🚨 FULL EPISODE: Fort Worth Police Officers Investigate Suspicious Activities | S12 – E12 | @COPSTV

🚨 FULL EPISODE: Fort Worth Police Officers Investigate Suspicious Activities | S12 – E12 | @COPSTV

Officers attempt to break up a vehicular drug deal when the driver hits the gas, and a pursuit ensues. An officer makes a routine traffic stop and soon learns that the female driver has 13 warrants out for her arrest. A speeding driver attempts to discard evidence before being pulled over.

This episode was filmed in 1999.
▪️ COPS Season 12 – Episode 12

Featuring the Fort Worth Police Department: police.fortworthtexas.gov

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30 thoughts on “🚨 FULL EPISODE: Fort Worth Police Officers Investigate Suspicious Activities | S12 – E12 | @COPSTV

  1. Thank you @copsTV for airing this episode For those keeping a check off record of watched episodes by broadcast date, this is:
    s12e16 Indianapolis, Indiana 16, aired Jan 16, 2000

  2. how are you gonna have 13 warrants and expect to go home? And this cop acted like he had sympathy for this lady without a license or insurance lol what a fool.

  3. Failure to dim headlights to oncoming traffic? Jesus. That's a bullshit stop. Don't matter how much you cry and whine mama u going to jail..dang her life is a country song lol… sweet Mary have at least a smidge of dignity woman

  4. That's cold her warrants were for her fines. At least she's trying, though. At least the cop understood some what. Sometimes, the laws really are shitty when it comes to fines and bench Warrent's.

  5. Cops pick the easy low hanging fruit while the real white collar criminals and criminal cartels continue to commit crimes on a grand scale.

    Cops are just the thin blue line between the haves and the have not.

  6. That was my mom in 1999. She kept getting tickets but couldn't pay them, then she got pulled over and was summoned to court for driving with out a license because she HAD to drive to work so she could provide for her family as buses were non existent in that area at the time… I remember her working 80 hours a week but she could never get ahead and we were about to get evicted even though she was working constantly. And my dad would never come visit nor pay child support…

    She ended up getting 13 warrants out for her arrest because she didn't have time to go to court as she was working herself to death. It was either, go to court and become homeless or don't go to court and become homeless… Not a lot of choices there. We became homeless after this was filmed and I was placed in foster care and I ended up getting raped multiple times by my new foster dad. I didn't say anything for a long time as I didn't understand what was going on, I just thought it was a weird way to punish me for having bad grades in maths. I still can't have healthy relationships with men, even 20 years later.
    Our society destroyed her life and mine as well. I still don't know what she got punished for, as she was an amazing mom and a hard worker. She didn't deserve any of this and neither did I.

    We live in a dystopian nightmare, you can clearly see it when the gentleman at the end gets arrested for having a "plant" in his car. Imagine that, and the cop is SO proud of himself for getting this "drug addict" off the street. That tells you everything you need to know about how dystopian our society truly is.

  7. The cop probably wouldn't have looked in the bible? Clearly, as good a cop as he may be, he's fooled by a false religious concept. People who believe anything in the bible is true, who believe in gods and events which never occurred, should never have authority over people who live in the real world. Of course they could still be cops in the south where reality has long since been suspended. 🤣

  8. I dont get this people. I don't drive and I know for fact that if you don't have a drive license you can't drive and you need Insurance to drive…everything goes together…
    Is like a plane no fuel, that plane is not flying period….

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