123 MPH Pursuit Into the Woods – Everything Law and Order Blog

“On Saturday, November 9, 2019 at approximately 9:57 p.m., I observed a vehicle traveling south at a high rate of speed. I activated my radar unit and locked in a speed of 94 mph in an 55 mph zone. I saw the car immediately slow down. As the vehicle passed my location, I was able to see that it was a black passenger car. I pulled onto the highway and attempted to catch up to the car so that I could initiate a traffic stop. As I accelerated towards the car, I could tell that the car was accelerating and that it was not maintaining a single lane. I initiated my lights and sirens once I realized the car was fleeing.

The car continued south on Highway 79 a short distance and turned west on Columbia Road 64. I pursued the car and advised Hope of the pursuit. The car continued on Columbia 64. As it traveled west, it drove between two vehicles parked on opposite sides of the roadway. The car then turned north onto Columbia Road 111. I saw an opportunity to end the pursuit and rammed the car with the front of my car. The ram was unsuccessful in stopping the car and it continued north. Columbia 111 is a gravel road and the car continued at a high rate of speed and was able to create distance between us. I was able to follow the dust cloud left by the car. It continued north on Columbia 111 until it turned north west onto Ouachita 1.

The car then traveled into Nevada county. While following the dust trail, I regained visual of the car while on Nevada 179. The car had slowed considerably as I caught up to it. I lost visual as the car rounded a curve, as I rounded the curve I could see the car had stopped in the roadway. The driver’s door was open as well as the passenger’s. I could see feet hanging out of the passenger door as I stopped my vehicle.

I exited my unit and ordered the passenger not to move. The female passenger followed commands and was taken into custody. The female was identified as Harlie Colvin. I asked her who was driving and if he had a weapon. She advised me that Broderick Colvin was the driver and that he did not have a weapon. She said that he fled into the woods to the left of the car and that he was fleeing because he had warrants.

I asked her how long she had known Broderick Colvin. She told me that this was their first night of being alone together. Once other units arrived we searched for the suspect but were unsuccessful in finding him. A search of the vehicle was conducted. There was a Marlin .22 Rifle located between the driver’s seat and the center console that the female said belonged to the driver. A knife was also found in the edge of the woods. Both the gun and the knife were seized.

I returned to Colvin and asked her why her and the suspect had the same last name. She told me she was actually married to the suspect. I stopped her and immediately advised her of her Miranda Rights. I told her that she had lied to me and that she was facing hindering and obstruction charges. She told me that the driver was actually RJ Hughey, Ronnie Damaria Hughey, Jr. Colvin stated that he told her not to identify him. I confirmed his identity through photograph. Harlie Colvin then wrote out a statement and signed that statement advising who the driver was. Harlie Colvin was released with the vehicle and charges could be pending.

The following day, I was contacted by a Deputy Alexander of the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office and advised that Hughey wanted to turn himself in. I advised him to meet me at the jail at 3:30 p.m.. Hughey arrived the Sheriff’s Office and was immediately advised of his Miranda Rights, he signed the rights form and agreed to speak to me. The interview was recorded on my car camera. I asked Hughey if he was driving. He responded that he was the driver. I asked him why he fled. He responded by saying that he thought he had a warrant and that he was scared.

I advised Hughey that he would be charged with Felony Fleeing by Vehicle, Fleeing by Foot, Reckless Driving, and Speeding. I told him that I would contact him Tuesday, November 12, 2019 to serve a warrant on him. He agreed to meet me when I contacted him.

The firearm and the knife were assigned the property control number of P-19-0210-HP-G. Both items where returned to Hughey’s mother Chavela Hughey once it was confirmed that Ronnie Hughey was inn [sic] fact the operator and that he was not a felon. Mrs. Hughey signed an ASP 2A for the property.

During the pursuit my unit sustain scuff marks from the PIT bumper. Vehicle one sustained minor damage to the right rear and rear bumper.”


@What You Haven’t Seen

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkxZLcwXqSg ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


29 thoughts on “123 MPH Pursuit Into the Woods”
  1. Pucker factor is real when the driver is just gone. Makes me think of similar videos of ambushes. Not only that but how far out his backup is, and god knows where the nearest hospital is if something does go wrong.

  2. There were a million places to lose the officer and the driver still got caught. I'm glad that they were caught, as they could have killed people. It amazes me that they didn't leave the main road and disappeared. I'm glad they weren't smart enough.

  3. Arkansans need to learn they are relentless in South Arkansas. Makes me sad one of my good friends used to work for Nevada county, he is not longer with us.

  4. They are deep into the Arkansas back country. This State Trooper is now taking a huge risk with his own life. I give the Officer props for continuing the pursuit. Anyone that understands the back country understands that you are now in a different world, you have left civilization behind. Anything can happen. The car that is trying to evade the officer could be leading him (the Officer) back into a part of the woods in which he (the getaway vehicle) only knows about. This is a sketchy situation for the State Trooper. Think about this: let's say the Trooper catches up with the driver. Now what? It's literally just you back there.

  5. Not another white girl with a ninja lmao 🤣😂 go ahead YouTube delete my freedom of speech 💩💬

  6. “She lying” well duh lying to the police rarely actually hurts you, police are allowed to lie as per the Supreme Court, and the police lie constantly so why exactly would we not lie every opportunity?

  7. I was expecting at 10:00 for the driver to return and take off again. Terrifying situation to be a lone officer and someone who may have a weapon in the woods. If the guy had any amount of training he could have doubled back and disabled the police car by deflating a tire, then took off in his car…or the opposite with the suspect in back.. I was thinking if that officer had the presence of mind to lock his vehicle. He did the good move and grabbed a decent weapon off the start.

  8. Arkansas again? What in the world is my state doing. Dang. We need some act right. ASP will give it to you & in the woods? ASP ain't scared of no woods😊😝 crazy.

  9. Damn, they were straight up extorting that dad, huh? That doesn't seem like it should be allowed.

    I'm completely ignorant about that, so I'm probably just rambling.

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