19-Year-Old Thinks She Can Choke Her Girlfriend Without Consequences – Everything Law and Order Blog

On February 9th, 2024, in Ohio, police were dispatched to an apartment where a woman was in a dispute with her girlfriend.


37 thoughts on “19-Year-Old Thinks She Can Choke Her Girlfriend Without Consequences”
  1. Poor woman all ahe wants is some peace, unfortunately she's got a bully for a girlfriend, she can bully her girlfriend but acts like the victim for the police, dr.jekyl and mr.hide, foul and vile, at the very end though, she's a coward.

  2. Always wanted a gf but now I don't trust being in a relationship. I want the passionate experience but not anything that serious. Don't need to risk trusting someone who I thought was nice and ends up being controlling or some shit.

  3. Why people refuse to leave when told they are no longer wanted is insane & I'll never understand!! This woman's entire story nothing but a well-rehearsed poor me, I'm the victim story & hasn't accepted responsibility for anything!! This 'I didn't do it, she did!' after the cops are called makes you look like a bigger toddler than already pictured!! If it was important enough to mention now, you should've called last night!! And then to top it all off, you act the fool & 'beg' for sympathy from the same girl you tried to choke out!! Take your punishment bro!!

  4. Judging by her girlfriend, she would probably choose the same type of dude to be with. She looks like a good girl who likes that wild side lifestyle. She has a good job but having this video post isn't a good look for her professionally. Looks like even lesbians fight and get violent with each other. They like women but some get treated worse than the way they say that a man would. Bottom line is violence is never the answer because it's always easier to just walk away. Not everyone or thing is worth fighting for. Wish them both luck in their future.

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