A Lesson Every Cop Should Learn – Everything Law and Order Blog

This video was sponsored by Dollar Shave Club (if that wasn’t ridiculously obvious). If you want to try them:

Skip to https://youtu.be/zzjVT4-rexQ?t=201 for main content.
INTRO MUSIC: “Wolfhunter” by Forensic.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


29 thoughts on “A Lesson Every Cop Should Learn”
  1. When I have a bad day, nobody gets hurt. When cops have a bad day people can die. That's why the public always want cops fired. You just proved the thin blue line. You should of been disciplined for being unprofessional, and its should of been in your personnel file. But you weren't. That's BS

  2. Actually you can control a person emotions with your own. We haven't been taught correctly about oir emotions and how they effect the people next to us. We as people create a wave that every person feels and their own bodies react to eachothers wave. I.e. if your agitated, you may invoke agitation to the person next to you. Real important for a officer to run baseline with his emotion, neutral, like a priest. A baseline person can calm an agitated person with his unemotional wave. If a person is good at running a baseline of emotion, you can feel the peoples emotions around you.
    The strength of your wave depends on the foods you eat and the thoughts you have, positive thoughts are positive waves. It is very important to have positive waves. Sow basically if your a clean, well fed jedi cop you can change the emotions of the crowd just by being there. Whooooosh peace.

  3. Most people would be fired for letting someone get under their skin and being rude to them while on the job, and that is what helps most of us keep a lid on it when someone inevitably gets under our skin at work. And if they aren't fired but corrected by a supervisor who feels their words are hitting a brick wall they would be at that point. Why should your profession have the ability to lose control and not only know you'll keep your job but at most get a bit of coaching from a supervisor that you can chose to accept or ignore? Also, what supervisor in any other profession wouldn't and shouldn't immediately get involved when a situation like this is transpiring?

  4. Try being an RN with a patient who keeps ripping the IV from their arm or my personal fav, when AIDS first came out, some of these bitter dying men would whack off and spread the jizz all over the bedrails hoping you had a scratch or some entry point to contract their death sentence. at least you guys can physically respond to life threatening shit like that.

  5. Funny infomercial Mike.

    If you want to see a good copstache, check out Sarge on the C4 Defense channel.

    Also, sometimes people can be annoying. I don't see anything wrong with no being helpful to an annoying, rude, disrespectful, or ungrateful individual. It works both ways.

  6. Hey dude,I had to shave twice a day in the navy.😶
    It was like hacking off barbed wire with an axe.😣
    In our case it was so a gas mask would seal properly.
    I have a glorious unkempt beard now.🤗😉🤗

  7. I respect cops and i would never defend what the employee of Starbucks did.. I would fire that employee. With that said.. Most (not all) Starbucks employees are fucking slow (like we don't have a job to get to)! It's irritating that they work like they are asleep!

  8. Must you play that absurd and offensive "music" at the beginning?
    Rap is for the intellectually deficient, and poison to Western Civilization.

  9. Mike, sounds like good advice for just living and being a decent human. Be safe and keep the great content coming.

  10. I'm glad your boss pulled you aside like that. He obviously saw how she was grating on your last nerve and knew that sometimes we just need to remember that everyone is somebodies loved one, even if we feel like bopping them in the face.

  11. There’s another lesson in this. It’s for people coming from your Lt’s perspective. Don’t be afraid to tell people to do the right thing, even if they aren’t going to receive it well in the moment. You obviously calmed down and realized he was right. We need more people that are unafraid to call people on their bs and tell them to do the right thing.

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