Albuquerque Police Officer Attacks Man Having Affair With His Wife

Albuquerque Police Officer Attacks Man Having Affair With His Wife

Following an August 2017 incident in which he was arrested off-duty for driving his take-home police car while intoxicated, now-former Albuqueruque police officer Josh Malecki was investigated a couple of months later for allegedly attacking a man in an Albuquerque dog park, an apparent serious escalation of a longstanding issue relating to infidelity in Malecki’s marriage. Although Malecki was suspended during the DWI investigation, that suspension was with pay and the case took over nine months to resolve, ultimately concluding with a guilty plea in early-May 2018, a few weeks after Malecki resigned his position as a police officer with APD.





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33 thoughts on “Albuquerque Police Officer Attacks Man Having Affair With His Wife

  1. No, a nice guy would have been telling Stephanie that she's going to have to get shit sorted out with her husband before a hookup can happen. That and "we'll both be scared shitless even more if we were to have an affair and he found out about it".

  2. HAHHAHA “I’m a nice guy”

    While he has an affair with someone’s WIFE

    If he really cared about her safety he would give her the number of a detective or something not a pipe down followed by a work out the next day smh

  3. Dude was messing with another man's wife and they were asking if he fears for his safety. Well…yeah that's when I shook my head, wrote this comment, and went on my way to other YouTube videos.

  4. She should have parked her car at the mall and driving in his car. I think her husband has a tracking device on her car. 😃

  5. He was frisking the cop's wife 🤣🤣🤣🤣 it's not good to have an affair with a married woman but he was a cop no rules apply. 😁

  6. "Dp you have any beef with him"? Yeah. He's giving the beef to his wife! That's an ass whipping that dude should have taken quietly.

  7. Something People should learn don't commit adultery. ( Proverbs 6:32) "But a man who commits adultery has no sense; whoever does so destroys himself."
    Proverbs 6:32 (KJV) But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.

  8. Sorry but i dont understand how dumb you can be as a man to charge and be mad at the male who cheats with YOUR wife, you should be mad at your wife, not the male, who knows? Alot of times people lie about not having a woman/man. And if your own wife/girlfriend cheats on you, she choose it and did it, be mad and yell at her, not a stranger.
    I've never understood men who acts like this. Acts like the woman are innocent, when shes not.
    Feel bad for the guy he attacked.

  9. Well if he's seeing the guys wife, he should consider himself lucky to get off with a few love taps. Very lucky.
    Next, dump the wife. When they do that type of thing they almost never stop and they aren't worth the trouble, the expense, the embarrassment or the time of day. Dump her.

  10. Would be hilarious if buddy changed into his uniform, pulled up in his squad car, and asked the other officer "what's going on, would you like me to talk over."

  11. The women is the one that is most guilty hear how do you think someone would react finding there wife cheating. I think that men get manipulated alot. Both these guys were. She probably tells the bf he a terrible husband an what not . Now he might be idk but divorce him then. He said she lies to him so the cop is getting played the bf is getting played .the wo.en is a pos an really if something did happening I feel she should held just as responsible as any of the other parties involved. If not more. Nothing worse than a cheater. Just break up!! Why lie. Why play games

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