Army Basic vs. Police Academy | OFF THE CUFF: EPISODE 10 CLIP

Army Basic vs. Police Academy | OFF THE CUFF: EPISODE 10 CLIP

How does Army Basic Training compare to Police Academy or in general how does military life compare to law enforcement life. Dave fields user submitted questions in this clip of the Off the Cuff Podcast.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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50 thoughts on “Army Basic vs. Police Academy | OFF THE CUFF: EPISODE 10 CLIP

  1. You guys are THE most interruptingMOFO's on the planet! Neither one of you can finish a sentence without the other interrupting and then you forget what you're talking about!!! LMAO!! Good Stuff!

  2. The enemy we are fighting today is an unconventional force they dont where uniforms they blend in with the population I went to Iraq twice. They use cowardly tatics like roadside bombs, suicide vest and vehicle born ieds. You dont see it coming!!!!!!

  3. Daves my bitch Son!! He got my last name across his chest! Haha. I own that fool! I won't even wear that shit! Never have, never will! I used to have a Pimpacrombie & Bitch shirt though! Love you guys

  4. I realize i am a bit late but i just found the channel. (I enjoy it also)
    Why are you putting Army and posting the Marine pic in the picture/thumbnail? Marines hate that BTW. the Marines are nothing like the Army. We love the army like brothers, but we are not the same.

  5. I went through a Academy that didn't use military like system. So when the instructors tried to do unnecessary military like things, even though they were never military… just say the people in the military got rubbed the wrong way. We had one instructor say that he has more military training and EXP then people serving, he also never served… We also had a Army Ranger in my academy. Yeah the Ranger made that instructor his bitch in the exercises and classes were we went hands on with each other..

  6. deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq. now im not a cop but police in this country dont get mortars lobbed at them. or have ied's set up for them. and i might be going out on a limb on this but i kinda think they arnt shot at as much. and with rifle rounds. im a medic with infantry 12 years now joined in 2005. and deployed not every one is the enemy they all dress the same. but the avg support soldier ie supply, communications, cook, no they arnt in as much of harms way

  7. My academy was more like a college course. Super chill, 8-12 hours a day of classes, pt every morning. Easy to learn the important stuff without stressing over who was going to get us smoked next. 180 degrees oposite of Army Basic. I think there are too many types of police academys to sum them all up so easily.

  8. What Mike either doesn't know or isn't telling you is that Marijuana was legal back in 2001 when the FDA got the patent on it.Since its illegal to get a patent on sumthing illegal when the patent office LEGALLY gave the Federal Govt or FDA PATENT # 6630507 Back in 2001 its became legal in the whole country FEDERALLY! Maybe mike doesn't understand or study the law as much as other cops,such as myself I'll leave you with 1 more.Do ya luv ur Country? United States Code title 28 section 3002 scroll down to #(15)the united states means(A) a federal corporation! ROTFLMFAO,your the 1 that wants to keep BS'n ppl mike so sorry!And we dnt care about wearing body cameras at all,as long as there's no Audio.Its how we get out of the complaints is by making sure our stories fit the video.Lmfao,I'm not sorry mike,I told the ppl the truth and we have quotas so a lot of ppl we giv tickets to,did nothing wrong but be near us when we needed to meet our quota!I'm sure Mikey will try to debunk ONLY what ppl can't look up for themselves,watch!!!

  9. Hell yea, we are born with beers in our hands! People always think it's strange that we drink on our lunch breaks or that we mix our beer with coke or lemon soda.

  10. Even in my later teen years, while studying law of all things, i still upheld an attitude of 'fuck the police'. I think it was informed by my environment and personal experience more than anything. Imagine my embarrassment growing up to realise that a police officer is often the only thing standing between a civilian and harm. Obviously my opinions have significantly changed since.

    Except in relation to detectives…They's useless desk jockey cunts who only care about conviction rates. lol

  11. Hey Mike, I'm a new subscriber to your videos. Good job, very informative as well as entertaining! I do have a few questions that Id like to know your thoughts on, I'll only ask one now. What are your thoughts on the militarization of the police?
    Thanks man! Keep up the good videos

  12. Ok, I spent 26 years as a police officer. My Ex Chief found out we could make big bank training guys in Iraq. 1 year, $150,000.00 Tax Free! YEA ! NOOOOOOOOOO! It was a F@#KING DISASTER! Mainly because of our U.S .Army counterparts. And I know that it was their training! It was nothing comparing stories with them about PT and other training. I think our military needs to go OLD SCHOOL and get to kicking some ASS! Just my opinion.

  13. Of topic question, I hope maybe someone will know the answer.

    What is the term for when cops are called in order to overlook the exchange of property between two parties, just being there to make sure nothing happens? Civil something? Unfortunately I find my self in a place where I may have to do this.

  14. How dare you show a Marine drill instructor, and label it as Army. On the Marine Corps birthday, no less. I'm going to make a video about police, and put a firefighter picture, complete with a fire engine, on the front.

  15. Mike please, please, please turn away from this attitude that if your followers don't migrate from here to there (from YouTube to Patreon, iTunes, or SoundCloud) that we deserve your contempt or scorn. Please don't group us silent listeners with the trolls in your comments. It's not our fault disrespectful people are often the loudest!

    Your desire to monetize your videos makes sense since you'll receive reward for all the personal time & effort sacrificed as you (your family, friends, and guests) built your channel. You obviously want to expand, and will be able to justify those increases in quality of production & content if you can make some money. With support you'll get more guests, and guest speakers can indefinitely add original content, and messages we need to hear, if ever you're out of funny stories to tell us.

    Mike, I love your content, and I support your decision to monetize through Patreon. When I say I love your content, I mean it. You got me watching Officer401 religiously too, and I'm sure more beneficial content creators will also appear as time goes on. You've totally helped me take a better perspective towards police officers by humanize the people writing me traffic tickets as the same who put their life at risk, patrolling the city, and protecting us from reckless people and violent criminals.

    I even relate to your stream of people inquiring about becoming police cadets, because hearing you talk about work (for some strange reason) often makes me consider whether I should've joined the police when I was in my twenties and searching for a career. Your future looks very bright, and I can see you doing a movie or TV series 10-20 years down the line if you keep it up.

    It's not just what you say, but also how you say it that reaches the hearts of your audience. The 50's Dragnet show was effective for its realistic "just the facts ma'am" presentation, while your show is effective for "keepin' it real", informative, insightful, and funny balance of deathly seriousness with optimism. I wouldn't mention all this to you if I didn't care about your success, I believe in your cause (humanizing the badge) and your method of going about it (videos to the public).

    I'll admit to being someone surprised when directed to Patreon, iTunes, or SoundCloud to hear the end of the Greatest Poop Story. Maybe I missed the video or spaced out during the segments explaining the change in format. To me this is the first video that's cut up so I have to hear the ending on a different web service.

    I scroll down to find the necessary links and stumble onto a pinned comment berating viewers for not reading the video description for links to the complete material. I'm told if I'm too lazy to listen to the podcast then I'm not the kind of person who'd enjoy your content. Most of the rest of the message can be summed up in that you're standing up for yourself for deciding to monetize your content on another platform.

    I agree with your decision to do so, but I recommend rereading that pinned comment, and re-watching the line from this video regarding donating to your channel to consider how your treating us. It's filled with contempt. You're asking for $1 per month, that price is basically nothing, yet our little $1/month could give us the sense of contributing your cause, to your message… of humanizing the badge, and really help your productions. I'm sorry the trolls were a-holes to you, please stop wasting our time talking to them, and instead please talk to the thousands of us who'd be grateful to help.


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