On November 26, 2018 something happened at Seattle’s Miner’s Landing between security guard Brian Murphy and a male by the name of William Moore. There were plenty of witnesses, but there was also an usual twist: the witnesses were evenly divided between two contradictory stories.

Today on Real World Police learn what happened, and find out which party is going to jail.


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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


49 thoughts on ““Arrest that security guard!””
  1. "In Canada we have victim services…I work with at risk youth….really traumatized by that". Wish I could make out the rest, but that alone is near-legendary cringe material.

  2. So this guy wants to throw a sucker punch to start a fight then cries like a baby cuz he gets owned…girl needs to find a new man

  3. "Who does he work for?! He's gonna be fired for this. I need his picture and where he works" <– Pure Cancel Culture enthusiast.
    When someone can't compete physically, they attempt to resort to feminine reputation destruction.

  4. Problem 1 – Over reactive security guard aka bacon bit

    Problem 2 – smoking weed when no one else is around in public(yet still illegal) isnt a reason to start kicking people out of places as a security guard. And starting fights with patrons/community members.

    Problem 3 – The security guard clearly feels that he has done something wrong. Why else ask the local fisherman to come back and speak to police on his behalf.

    Resolution – This matter could've easily gone down as follows –

    Security guard – excuse me sir can you please not smoke cannabis in this public area as there are people frequenting these establishments that may be offended.

    Young man – Yea no problem, im just grabbing my food and i will be on my way. My apologies

  5. That's the tough part. He had reason to be there… so you instigated with no cause someone defended themself and it goes south. Happens way to often with law enforcement security was still wrong. Just sucks we don't have the rights to defend yourself against any authority figure even when they are wrong.

  6. You didn't spend enough time on that female officer and spent too much time on that fat guy.

  7. You know what could have prevented all this. Just smoke before you go out. Whats the need to get high and walk around smoking. I smoked alot back in my younger days. Just smoke in the car or blaze up at home. Never be carrying pipes and or joints. Just dumb

  8. Security guards can be the most jealous person in any streets. Their mind can become as sick as a prisoner doing solitary detention.

  9. "He's 🗣 sspppp 💦💦👅👅👅 push💦💦ing me and he wassss💦👅👅💦💦💦💦 me!!" I bet his gf broke up witth him after seeing that ugly crybaby side of that dude 😂😭

  10. I might be nuts, but it seems strange that the guy involved is the reviewing and cutting the footage that will be turned over to police. Even if he is 100% in the right, you need someone without a conflict of interest doing that. Or at least have his supervisor there observing

  11. Its real odd the security guard seems to be right there for every one that takes his side, why would he be scared if he was completely innocent?

  12. What Bull description is that… 'find out which party is going to jail'… but the video shows no one getting arrested. Lost respect there

  13. Let me get this straight. Security guard stops a guy because he smells weed on Seattle's Miner's Landing. The only reason to stop a guy on Miner's Landing is if you smell skunk weed and give him something better.

  14. People talking shit about the kid crying have you ever been pepper strayed ?😂😂doubt it

  15. I believe the security guard is in the wrong because if the guy was making a phone call and the security guard came out and started pushing him while the guy was waiting for his food and I took them down the ground and stuff I’m pretty sure the guy was in doing self-defense and I think the security guard should be arrested and I would like to see y’all get pepper sprayed and then called names and see how you feel plus you’re a bunch of assholes also shut the fuck up. The police did handle it well, But again the scary guy should be arrested if y’all have a problem with that I’m gonna die in a hole I’m gonna get it I’m smarter than most you

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