Badgecam Recap Of The Alton Sterling Case | MikeTheCop – Everything Law and Order Blog

With the newest footage released in the Alton Sterling case and the decision to suspend one and terminate another officer involved, Mike the Cop walks through the LADOJ report as well as a BadgeCams video documenting the incident as it unfolded.

Thoughts are my own and this video is for the purpose of educating.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


37 thoughts on “Badgecam Recap Of The Alton Sterling Case | MikeTheCop”
  1. It crazy to me to see ho much more lose the police are with their escalation of force, in comparison to the military. Especially when you consider they are dealing with American citizens.

  2. About getting jail for driving on a suspended licence vs trying to kill a cop….well yes it is unbalanced, but would someone driving with a suspended licence be in jail if the cops didn't arrest them?
    so it is down to the cops, stop arresting people for the little things, give them a citation, send them a fine in the mail, it works in ever other country on earth even syria where the is a war going on, just not in america.

    so it is very much up to cops.

    as to some states, washington being one, the arrest goes on your record, which is idiotic, being arrested has nothing to with being guilty of a crime, yet you are arrested for something, charges dropped, you now have an arrest on your record, you can't get the job…..all becuse of a cop deciding to arrest over a "non issue" a minor misdemanor that a warning or a ticket in the mail would have solved,

    example is the guy shooting at cops he though was intruders, he was aquitted, becuse he was in the right and th epolice was in the wrong, but despite being aquitted he still has an arrest on his record which limits his job options among other thing, resisting this unlawful punishmet should be legal.
    as long an arrest even if aquitted stays on a persons record his restisitn arrest should then in said stat ALWAYS be considere self defense, as the LAW states you can and should not be punished for a crime you did not commit, if you then are "punished" by limitations on work becuse you have arrest on a record, you are punished for something you did not do, warranting the right to fight this, even with a level of force.

    if the cops disagree, they should lobby for a change to the law

  3. I mean, Youtube doesnt lose any money by fucking you over, if you dont upload videos, your viewers are still going to watch youtube. Not saying its right but, you said "good business model" sarcastically

  4. There are countless videos showing cops saying "stop or I will shoot you"
    It is normal.
    Adding a bit of emphasis in a tight situation against a big and dangerous person is nothing.
    That firing is obviously a political decision and it is totally unwarranted.

  5. try change the name of the titeln seen other youtubers do that and that helps from being demoni to mono =) love your vids regards from Sweden

  6. This video came out on my birthday lol. But Mike you should do a video with a member of the media, a reporter or something of the likes.

  7. We have to face facts here, we've seen this happen so many times now… The expectation from black Americans and the SJWs that get "offended" on their behalf, seems to be that any black person, no matter what the infraction, should be allowed to get away with it. Christ, they're still protesting in Chicago over a shooting that was even clearer than this – with an armed suspect drawing a firearm. Sorry, I'm sure it's not nice to hear, but what else are we supposed to think at this point when they're literally protesting when good guys stop bad guys?

  8. Hey man, first of all I love your videos. Lot of respect for you and what you do. And you're right about bullets not being like they are in movies, but on that same note, neither is meth. It's not like PCP, or some super adrenaline. I have used meth, and fought people who were completely spun dumb. And it really doesn't make a difference. Again I love your videos, keep it up.

  9. Something important to keep in mind when going over his criminal history — it's not, "He was a crook and deserved to die!" It's actually clear evidence that the dude had plenty of encounters with the police, knew what to expect, know what was expected of him. This wasn't a novel experience during which he might not understand how he's supposed to respond.

  10. Felon with a gun in his pocket, refusing to behave like a civilized citizen, because doing so would mean he goes to jail, if his life mattered to him, he would of gone to jail and been given tater tots and a baloney sammich(sp) thug culture defines your level of power based on your crime, resisting gives you points, complying indicates bitch to be victimized

  11. Get the hell out of here the video didn't show that brotha haven a gun that was just a set up code move to shoot him.

  12. This is like firing someone for not being sociable at work. If they do their fucking job, where's the problem!? Personality should not affect your work ethic, especially when you did everything correctly. Hopefully that officer is able to find employment elsewhere.

  13. I have a few questions. Will someone please tell me the difference between"shoot to kill" and shoot to stop the threat" besides the wording? If you get a call about a person with a gun that's has already assaulted someone why TF would you go hands on with that individual? I don't know how many people on here have been shot but, if you have been shot and near death do you think he had the presence of mind to continue going for a gun? If you have knowledge of a person with a gun, what is the training on how to deal with that person?

  14. How do you expect the police to do their job when the higher ups don’t back their officers. This was purely a political decision and not based on anything else. The officer was justified and was fired for profanity? Profanity used while encountering a subject who has a gun and who was actively resisting. To be an officer in today’s day in age being faced with a potentially deadly situation and having the fact that if you do what your trained to do so you, your fellow officers, and the public stay safe that your higher ups may not have your back and they may bend to political pressure is something so heavy to be on an officer’s shoulder. I don’t know if it has already happened but if not there will be a time where an officer is faced with a deadly force scenario and they will freeze because the potential fall out for doing their jobs will be in the back of their mind, and an officer will be killed. Look at the Ferguson shooting. Officer Darren Wilson’s life was ruined for doing his job. It’s plain and simple comply with the officer and you won’t get shot. Put the officer in a situation where they fear for their life there’s a good chance you will get shot. My thoughts and prayers go out to every first responder wearing a uniform. Watch your back and be safe. Unfortunately none of us can be to careful in today’s climate. God bless.

  15. People like the girl on MTA who resist seem to think that the contact phase is the time to press for justice. No! Court is for justice; the arrest, if it happens, is merely intake to the system that LEADS to an opportunity to get justice. And not to be a big racist here but I can't help noticing how often some people — and yet not others — become belligerent when they're being commanded to comply. WTF?! Do what they say, and live another day. I would never argue with the guy with the gun, if he has a badge to back it up.

  16. You know what's really disgusting about this? The amount of time and money spent on investigating this shooting! He had a gun, he fought with the police, he reached for the gun, he was shot…

  17. Are you asking for a 'review' of demonetized videos? Mine are all demonetized out of the gate but when I started clicking the review button (even without meeting the limits for review) suddenly they get monetized. Its almost like everything gets demonetized and soon as it passes by someone alive due to the review button someone goes 'oh this is not against guidelines' and they flip the switch. My problem with "Super Chat" is that using it Youtube gets money from it – so they can demonitze and not pay you and then still get money off you through super chat….hence I stopped that and use outside programs for donations liek paypal, streamlabs, patreon etc.

  18. So the officer was fired for using bad and forceful language towards the suspect ? Do they expect the officer to talk like the ones in Demolition Man? Pardon me citizen, what is your boggle ? Are you having a non joy joy day ?

  19. Keep this series coming! All the justified “good shoots” that all these idiots march for and get prime time media coverage need to be reviewed by you.

  20. Mike, there are a few issues that should be addressed here: One, I am pro-Police and, I follow the law so I don't encounter officers very often. As such, I limit the possibility of being shot for ANY reason. I am an ex-police officer and, I worked for DHS for 8 years as a protection officer. I also worked various private protection contracts. So, I have some idea what it's like.

    Two, I have viewed many shootings recently and, I have seen videos where I thought the officer(s) did the wrong thing and, I have seen many videos where I though officers did great. I have only seen one however, where I could clearly identify an issue of racism. The one-sided manner in which the media is portraying these incidents is divisive at best and, at worst, literally creating a race war that does not in itself exist. I am disgusted at how they slant these shootings to reflect racism that is not there on it's own. They could be responsible for causing or, assisting in the cause of a massive civil conflict that is not necessary.

    Three, in this case, I can't see any issue of racism or, an identifiable cause for stating that the shooting was a "bad shoot".

    Four, officers using the "We got a call" excuse to do almost anything to anyone. Clearly, not all officers are doing this, however, I have seen too many videos in recent times where "we got a call" is being used as a free for all to conduct unlawful police activity. I do not agree with officers taking such actions. Don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting officers don't take calls seriously. Obviously, they should proceed with caution at all times but, how many calls have you gone on where, what was called in is nothing like what is actually happening when you arrive? I bet there are so many, you can't count them.

    The problem seems to stem from many officers displaying an inability to alter their demeanor and conduct as the situation develops in front of them. They (the officers) seem unable to break themselves free from the information of the call as opposed to what is actually going on and, as a result, they act inappropriately and unnecessarily. Basically, becoming tunnel visioned onto a idea that is not correct. It is in those incidents that I see the vast majority of officer misconduct. The Daniel Shaver incident comes to mind.

    Fifth, I want to agree with you about the statement of officers never shooting someone who is innocent but, that simply isn't the reality, painful as it is. I have to take exception to your use of the word "never". I don't like it either but, the truth is, I have seen several videos where police officers shot an innocent person, often in a "we got a call" scenario. I doesn't matter if they got a call for a nuclear weapon going off, officers need to be able to alter their demeanor and conduct to reflect the reality of the situation on the ground, regardless of what they got called for. Your a good man, and I think you will agree with me on this.

    Sixth, As to the firing of officer Salamoni. The salient concern appears to be whether the threat to "shoot the [suspect] in the fucking head" was appropriate given the course of events at the time the threat was made. Looking back, it may seem easy for you to say he was a bad guy and, indeed he was. However, at the moment of the threat, it was quite inappropriate to make such a statement. It was likely not the profanity that got him fired, it was the excessive and unreasonableness of the threat at that time.

    The other officer was merely suspended because profanity was all he did wrong and, it was further into the confrontation therefore more understandable. Whereas, officer Salamoni's threat was considered overly inexcusable given the circumstances at the time he said it. Legally, I can easily see the difference. I agree, Salamoni's threat was unreasonable and wrong in the circumstances of the moment, I would have to think carefully about if I would fire him for it or, provide another means of punishment and retraining. He may have been fired simply because of the public attention surrounding the incident.

    Seventh, ultimately, I am glad you are doing this show, in an attempt to provide a bridge between the police and the public, it is badly needed. Even though I do disagree with you sometimes, I believe you are a good officer and you deeply desire to do good for the public safety. You think right about many things but, I do feel you have the capacity to think even more right if given the proper examples.

    Eight, given what I have seen in recent police shooting videos, I do feel there are many instances where the police could deescalate situations where they are not even attempting to and, that disturbs me. Again, the Daniel Shaver incident comes to mind but, it is by no means the only one I have seen. It appears to me, wrong thinking is the main cause of police misconduct and, not any racism or wanton malevolence of any kind. Wrong thinking is a serious concern in our modern society and, we are all responsible for that. We all could take steps to make a better world if we would really make the effort.

    Finally, I whole-heartedly disagree with the Courts decisions to give a pass on criminal behavior on the part of citizens acting wrongly and, on the police when they act wrongly. I do not feel either one should get a pass on misconduct. The Courts recent trend to give criminals a pass leads to more criminal behavior but, giving a pass to police when they shoot someone they didn't need to or, violate citizens rights is even more egregious because of the dangers it leads to in police-citizen encounters. Giving criminals a pass is bad for obvious reasons but, it doesn't carry with it a potential to unravel government-citizen relations having the possibility of fracturing the country.

    If the police are given a pass on bad shootings (or violations of citizens rights), it is the same thing as State-sanctioned murder of citizens (or state-sanctioned unlawful police activity) and, some (too many) police officers may be encouraged to act more aggressively, tipping our country into a chaotic state of deep civil turbulence or conflict. If too many bad shootings occur with impunity, it may cause a backlash against the police or government people and, none of us need or want that but, the wrong thinking of today may prevail leading to disaster. We cannot tolerate a situation where the citizens are being forced to assume more and more risk, so that the police can assume less and less risk. Unfortunately, we are seeing this trend become more prevalent due to the Courts inaction on misconduct. You may not agree with me on this but, it's true nevertheless. It pains me to say that.

    I encourage you to consider my words and, again, I am grateful for your efforts to make the situation better for all of us by reaching out to the public for increased citizen-police relations. Take care and, stay safe. Respectfully, Rick B.

  21. Justified yes. I do like that you, Mike are stating only on the facts that you have at this time. I can not tell you how many times I have cursed at a suspect in the heat of moment. I agree that firing the officer is a bit extreme. But who know his past if any disciplinary action against him.

  22. Mike I think the problem is the officer said “I will shoot you in the fuckin head!” Honestly it comes across thuggish ! This is what gangsters say and thugs! I am just trying to see the total picture. I do agree that this should not have been grounds for termination if this was his first disciplinary action. Like you said if he has a history of acting like a thug or bully then yeah he should go! The cursing was not the problem it was putting the two words together that sounds really bad.

  23. The University of Cincinnati cop was arrested for murder too wasn’t he? If so I would’ve settled for a lot more than 300,000.

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