Body Cam: Officer Involved Fatal Shooting Car Thief Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. Jan 05-2020

Body Cam: Officer Involved Fatal Shooting Car Thief Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. Jan 05-2020

#officerinvolvedshooting #policebodycam #JacksonvilleSheriffsOffice
This one is NOT a Re-Upload. It was published only bitchute on October 10th, 2020.

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On January 5, 2020, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Officer Nicholas Lawson (“OfficerLawson”) attempted to perform a traffic stop on a stolen car. The car fled at high speeds, hit another car and then ultimately crashed into a concrete pole of a pedestrian overpass.
When Officer Lawson approached the suspect vehicle, the backseat passenger pointed a rifle at him.
In fear for his life, Officer Lawson opened fire, wounding the backseat passenger who pointed the firearm at him and killing the front seat passenger, Kwame Jones.
The details are as follows: On January 5, 2020, at 9:19 p.m., Officer Lawson attempted to perform a traffic stop on a stolen car for careless driving and taillight violations.
Officer Lawson advised over the radio that he was in pursuit of a possibly impaired driver. After Officer Lawson turned on his emergency lights, the driver of the car sped off and turned off the headlights. The driver fled, drove into oncoming traffic at a speed of 70 mph1, ran a red light at
Moncrief and 45th Street, struck another vehicle in the intersection, and crashed into a pedestrian overpass.
When Officer Lawson arrived at the crash, he got out of his vehicle and commanded the occupants to exit the car. Officer Lawson described an “assault rifle-type firearm” pointed directly at him by the backseat passenger on the driver’s side.

This passenger was Joseph Carter (“Carter”). Officer Lawson fired at Carter until the firearm was no longer pointed at him and Carter moved to the passenger side of the car. At the time of the shooting, the driver, Bobby Whitty (“Whitty”), had already fled from the car. Officer Lawson’s bullets struck Carter and the front seat passenger, Kwamae Jones (“Jones”), wounding Carter and killing Jones.

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🚨♦Disclaimer🚨: This video is NOT intended to be violent or glorify violence in any way. We are sharing the footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and educating. for training purpose, for public safety, to expose an injustice, documenting or foster debate about important events.🚨

Video Leak Police Primary Publish The New Police Dash Cam, , Police Officer Involved Shooting, Police Officer Body Camera footage releases. , New Police chases and more.
Also Video Leak Police publish news reporting videos, educational, for training purpose, Under Mini Documentary form, For public safety, to expose an injustice, documenting or foster debate about important events.

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25 thoughts on “Body Cam: Officer Involved Fatal Shooting Car Thief Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. Jan 05-2020

  1. "Don't move."
    "Put your hands up." (REQUIRES MOVEMENT)
    "Don't move."
    "Put your hands up." (Again, requires movement)
    Are officers trained to use some many eff bombs? Or are they proving they don't rely on their training?
    I understand it's complicated, buuutt c'mon now

  2. How about we make some training for these undertrained young inexperienced, unable to handle stressful situations training that THEY TURN OFF THE F'G SIREN WHEN THEY GET OY=UT OF THE CAR!!!!!

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