Bodycam Shows Man Interfering With Tukwila Police During Arrest Of Armed Suspect – Everything Law and Order Blog

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
Tukwila Police Department released body worn camera footage of case #20-0633 that occurred on January 28th. Just after 1PM, officers were dispatched to the report of a male brandishing a knife and threatening people in the 15200 block of Tukwila International Blvd. Officers immediately responded and located the adult male suspect from Auburn. The suspect refused officers commands to show them his hands and began to walk away from them crossing the street in the process. Due to the nature of the report involving a deadly weapon, the officers believed the male to be armed with a knife and attempted to contain him on the sidewalk away from the public and passing vehicles. As officers were giving verbal commands to the suspect, an uninvolved adult male from Tukwila stopped his vehicle in the busy roadway partially blocking traffic in the intersection of Southcenter Blvd and Tukwila International Blvd.

He got out of his vehicle and began filming the scene while yelling at the officers thus causing them to have to split their attention between the suspect and him. The uninvolved male refused commands to stay back and continued blocking traffic with his vehicle while filming. Finally, he proceeded to walk right up within inches of the suspect while disregarding officers warnings to stay back and warnings that the suspect was armed with a knife. His actions forced officers to have to immediately move in to pull him away from the non-compliant suspect. His actions put himself, the suspect, the officers and the public in unnecessary danger while also escalating the situation.

A patrol sergeant immediately moved in and pulled the uninvolved male away from the suspect and placed him on the ground nearby while still trying to maintain visual on the non-compliant suspect. At this time, the uninvolved male attempted to kick the sergeant then began striking him with closed fists to the leg and groin areas. As this was happening, other officers moved in and detained the initial suspect. The initial suspect was arrested for Obstructing a Public Servant and Brandishing a Weapon. The uninvolved suspect was also detained. He was booked for Obstructing a Public Servant and Assaulting an Officer. In June of 2019, the same individual was arrested for Assaulting an Officer after he struck a different Tukwila officer during another incident while the officer was attempting to detain him.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


41 thoughts on “Bodycam Shows Man Interfering With Tukwila Police During Arrest Of Armed Suspect”
  1. Lol, was officer badass with the AR15 teabagging that frauditor fucktard while still maintaining eyes on the suspect? Give him a raise.

  2. This is what happens to you when you try to 'deescalate' a situation. They wanted to shoot that dude or taze him or beat the shit out of him. Instead a cooler head came to the rescue and he gets punished for it.

  3. Don't they teach judo/aikido at academy any more? How are these tubbo mouth-breathers hired? They can't tun over a donut in a coffee mug let alone a suspect.

  4. Que want police officers when need when policia when police chase you estoy police officers when you hands policia when you going when could

  5. Que want police officers when need you policia when police chase you want cops this going policia when you police department 🏬 want this going when police officers when

  6. Que want policia when you going when this going when could cops police officers when you going hands keep policia when you

  7. What are you going when policia when you cops when you going when police chase you police chase you want policia when you going

  8. Que want police officers when need when police department 🏬 want this going policia when you going when could policia when you going

  9. What are you going when you going when August 2020 you going when policia you going cops when you going when police chase when you going when could policia when could

  10. Wow, not one comment about the absurdity of the female officer charging in and trying to literally take over, telling the other officers what to do. Smh. How's that equal opportunity stuff working out for ya'll in the PD? What's that? Same as in the military? Hu? It's getting people killed??? But you have to keep doing it for politics? Oh, okay. Well, good luck with all that.

  11. U didn't even have to get ur ass beat bruh 😆😂😭 u just wanted to😭😭😭 like what the fuck?! I want off this earth this one is broken😂😂😂

  12. I’ve never in my life seen someone so casually walk in front of multiple cops with guns drawn 😂

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