Why would a cop want to get people out of car on a traffic stop? When can they get the driver out? When can they get passengers out? Can they make you get back in? These questions are addressed in what is hopefully a fairly straight forward breakdown.

Donut’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwAAoSwXr2U&t=616s

CASES Mentioned:
Pennsylvania V. Mimms: https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/434/106/case.html

Maryland V. Wilson: https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/519/408/

California V. Brendlin: https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/551/249/opinion.html

U.S. v. Sanders: http://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-8th-circuit/1388864.html

Thanks guys!
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INTRO MUSIC: “Wolfhunter” by Forensic.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


47 thoughts on “Can Cops ORDER You Out of The Car?”
  1. Man, I hope I never get asked to get out of my car. I live in Texas. It’s usually hot as hell. I’m like awe…can you get in? I’ve got the AC on blast.

  2. I think police are badge heavy and brain light. I got out of the army in 1972 was driving my pickup truck a 1946 Chevrolet pick up. My tires were sticking outside the fenders by about an inch and a half, police officer stop me and got his a knife out and put it down on the tread of my tire and said I should just take this knife and put it through your tire. definitely uncalled for he just should have gave me a freaking ticket and shut his mouth.

  3. Yay tyranny! Want to oppose your governments "right" to control your movements?? Great! Just hire a high powered attorney and spend several years paying him or her copious amounts of money and MAYBE you can change something, but probably not. See how easy it is for every American to make their voice heard? All you need is endless time and money, and delusional thinking never hurts 🙂

  4. What you forgot to say is yes they can pull you out the vehicle. When you are out they will ask to search the car, if you have nothing to hide you ask whats the propbable cause. If they say something stupid that you know us bs you tell them you refuse to let them search. They will say that we have to call a dog to search sniff the car. If you know you have nothing to hide once again you tell them its fine buy you want the dash cam footage and you will take them to court if they induce the dog to give a false hit so they can illegally search your vehicle. Its a trick they use to search your vehicle illegally. You also ask for body cam footage because when they are doing the illegal search if you catch them planting drugs in you car well you dont have to work another day in your life. And if the body cam is off when they plant drugs in your car you can fight to get that charge thrown out because once again the dashcam false hit will support it.

  5. Only if a U.S. Citizen is engaged in commerce. Violations are NOT crimes. This is misinformation with an agenda. If you're traveling as a consumer you are not contractually liable to comply to commercial law or code unless you're too ignorant to notify the officer of your position and intention to be ineligible for citation and if you haven't been arrested for a crime you do not have to ID.

  6. The only time I was asked to step out of a car was when I was doing 35mph in a 55 on a winding road that I wasn't familiar with. They did a field sobriety test and a breathalyzer, and I don't drink. They let me go on my way.

  7. In CT they can't order you out of the car unless they have probable cause, from my understanding. Probable cause isn't hard to find. 😛

    After the umpteenth time being pulled over, a decade+ ago, when I was a knuckle head… I stopped giving in to searches, and they stopped being able to search. (as long as I didn't have any warrants or anything legitimately warranting a search)

  8. I happened to believe that it is actually the opposite – police exist so law-abiding civilians are safe, and NOT civilians obliged in any way to make police 'safe'. If you're a cop and you need safe space – slam that badge on the table, and go back to your mama's basement, its safe there.

  9. Personally I had a city cop stop me for going 5 miles over the 35 MPH limit. Then he asked me to go with him, if you know what I mean. He did not give me a ticket, as I told him the TRUTH..I had people waiting for me for New Years Day Dinner. He didn't know my cousin was a sheriff deputy for yrs in same county. No I didn't 'go' with this cop, but I did call my cousin.
    Found out this cop had been tracking me for awhile..knowing my husband was in MILITARY overseas.
    My cousin had a DISCUSSION with this cops boss, plus he could track this cop too..it didn't end well for cop.
    But to this day, yes I respect cops..BUT NO I DO NOT TRUST THEM…

  10. There needs to be mandatory classes in school about frequent and relevant laws, civics, and police procedures. There are just too many dangerous misconceptions that people carry about what police can or should do.

  11. There is only one man that I will submit to. And that man is God.

    If I'm not doing anything wrong than I will not bow down to any man. No matter what position they hold. You could be the president. That doesn't mean anything to me.

    And yes, it is a violation of the United States Constitution. Especially if you are not doing anything wrong.

    You have the right to travel freely throughout this country as a citizen.

    A cop that stops someone and forced them out of a vehicle, especially with no suspicion of crime, is very authoritative.

    We already have to have our numbers like the Jews had to have their numbers.

    A cop approached me one night and just tried to start intimidating me. I just left work with my boss. She knew my boss so she didn't mess with him.

    She started demanding my ID and I asked her why. She said so she knows who she was talking to. I said you don't need to know who you're talking to and that this isn't Nazi Germany. You can't just stop people and start demanding that they submit to you.

    She got all pissy and told me that I was wrong and she was right. Which, I'm sure you know, the Supreme Court has also given cops the ability to lie without repercussions.

    She told me a cop can demand ID's from anyone at anytime for any reason.

    I then told her to go fuck herself and got on the phone with her supervisor, who I have ran into a few times.

    He's a super cool cop and a good dude. I told him what happened and he called her off of me.

    He knows that I'm not a criminal and that I will not lie down and be treated as such.

    I've said this for years now.

    If things keep going the way they are going then a lot of good people will do very bad things to protect themselves, their rights and their families.

    I am proud to be one of those people.

    Don't fuck with me and I won't fuck with you. End of story.

  12. 30 seconds in and I'm going to give my answer.

    Yes, cops can order you out of your vehicle. However, I refuse to listen to a cop that uses his power.

    I live in my van. I'm parked on private property with permission from the owner.

    If a cop tries to start shit with me then I will tell him to contact the property owner and then I would continue on with whatever I was doing.

    I'm not doing anything wrong and the cop has no ability to order me around as if I'm some animal. Especially, if they have bo suspicion of any wrong doing.

    A van parked in a parking lot isn't suspicious.

    That's my answer. If they shoot me for following the law and not causing harm to anyone than that's on them.


    I back the blue. However, I don't back assholes that just throw their badge at people and expect people to just comply because they have a badge.

  13. Thanks for another informative video. I have taught my 4 children and 2 grandchildren to respect people of authority and comply with their requests. PERIOD! Or I’ll kick their asses.

  14. I just don't get it. Why would any person think you don't have to follow the orders of of police officer? Of course you do stupid people! If you think it's unlawful or wrong… Guess what? You can fight it in COURT. Not on the side of the road screaming about your rights and grabbing your little phone to film or call your spouse. Stupid people!

  15. Watching this after the recent shooting in Tulsa. If only the officers there would have had as sane of a response. "Uhh… the Supreme Court of the US says it's legal." is much more effective at getting cooperation than "Get out of the car or do I have to taze you again?"

  16. Jim B. I agree. Also when an officer pulls you over, they must believe it is a legal stop. Therein, it’s probably smart to comply with the officer’s orders as to not escalate any situation and get in trouble.

  17. "We're not savages. There are other ways besides r*ioting and protesting and toppling things over just because we don't like it* , just to get our [shitty] ideas across." – Mike the Cop, 2017

  18. Why cant these idiots just do what your told. Your asking for trouble. No sympathy for you 99% are true blue. Youtube finds the 1% and you shovel it down and shit out that "all police are bad" everywhere

  19. I certainly have no issue with being asked/ordered to get out or any other reasonable request.

    What infuriates me is the statement and question that ALWAYS follows
    Exiting the vehicle: "you seem to be having a hard time walking, how much have you had to drink/smoke?"

    It's incredibly unnerving being stopped and always assumed to have 1000 lbs of pot in my car while blatantly intoxicated because I neglected to repair my license plate light, which 80% of the people in the state never fix, or some other completely off the wall thing, like going 64 in a 65.

    This happens on every stop regardless if its state trooper, deputy sheriff or city police.

    On the bright side only half the time am I subjected to a breath test before I'm vindicated (albeit reluctantly) and sent on my way.

    The only cool cops I've met was one sheriff whom I never was stopped by, and few cops I used to drink with. So I know they exist. I just have never met one at a traffic stop.

  20. More police officers have lured people out of their cars only to have them falsely searched and set up I'm sorry I love and pray for you guys but I will never trust you your system is corrupt and dirty don't get me wrong there's a lot of good cops out there and bad cops and I pray for all of you guys I just don't trust you guys anymore your system has proven to hurt more innocent people then it does good

  21. Could watch these videos all day. Much appreciated Mike! Very informative, yet hilarious so it keeps me dialed in. Also good for everyone to know their rights. Great vids for new cops and the general public.

  22. There's no difference between lawful and unlawful traffic stops, as far as the citizen is concerned. You are helpless and have to sit there politely until they're done with you one way or the other. Police aren't held to the laws they enforce.

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