Car Bolts From Traffic Stop @ 140 MPH, Leaving Trooper in the Dust

Car Bolts From Traffic Stop @ 140 MPH, Leaving Trooper in the Dust

The title of this video describes its contents pretty accurately. From what I have been able to determine, the occupants of the vehicle were not found.





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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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34 thoughts on “Car Bolts From Traffic Stop @ 140 MPH, Leaving Trooper in the Dust

  1. This shit is hilarious the scrambling to the car with his Barney Fife looking ass 🤣😂😅😭🤣😂😅😭⚰☠💀

  2. Cop: "So you know why I pulled you over?"

    driver: "speeding at 130 and eluding law enforcement."

    Cop: "Speeding, yes…but you didn't…."

    driver: floors it.

    (A user Mike .R. commented this on another video)

  3. Other than his tag being seen, good job to the driver out running the cop.
    This is why you all need the James Bond license plate flipper, so when you are getting pulled over, flip it to the fake tag, then do your get-a-way run.
    After, just flip it back to your real tag.

  4. I think my Honda Goldwing 1500 could out run that cop car. That thing is slow…. He would not have a chance catching me on my Kawasaki ZX12R, that thing does 186 mph, stock!!!! Good-bye Charger!

  5. WTF was even the reason for the stop ? Running is wrong but stopping for 5 over the limit is wrong also At least that's what i learned in the radar course of the academy. Parma radar company boldly told the whole class that there was a 1.8 to 5.6 variable on all hand held and mounted radar and lidar units. Im only assuming the Limit was 70

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