Caught on Gun Camera: Police Shootout With Man Wanted for Child Sex Crimes – Everything Law and Order Blog

On April 27, 2019 Corporal TJ Session of the Vernon Police Department, Vernon, Texas, went to a house on the 15000 block of Mansard Street, intending to arrest Walter Emilio Orellana. Orellana , a Honduras native, was 23 years old at the time and was wanted on three felony warrants alleging continuous sexual abuse of a child, indecency with a child and aggravated sexual assault of a child.

Corporal Session arrived at the house – where Orellana’s girlfriend lived – to find his subject reclining in the driver’s seat of a vehicle in the driveway. When Session confronted Orellana, Orellana gave Session a false name, then attempted to put the car in gear. Subsequent events unfolded rapidly. Orellana grabbed a sawed-off shotgun and opened fire. Corporal Session, now a seven-year-veteran officer, spotted the weapon as Orellana went for it. He created distance between himself and Orellana, drew his sidearm, and began shooting.

Switching gears for a moment — I wasn’t planning on covering this incident. In fact, I only know about it because I was contacted by a marketing company for the gun camera manufacturer. I get emails like that all the time and they rarely warrant more than a glance. We do our own investigations, aggressively pursuing access to records and delivering on our commitment to not publish footage that has already been published elsewhere (unless we have significant new footage and information to add). Ethical journalism requires independence. It calls for avoiding conflicts of interest and resisting the constant attempts of outsiders to influence stories. Marketers don’t get to dictate what we cover.

So why are you seeing this video?

Body worn cameras are frequently worn at chest-height. That placement reliably obscures the officer’s field of view any time the officer draws their sidearm. Just when you most want to know what’s going on you get a great view of the officer’s arms. The gun camera concept is a solution to that problem, and Viridian seems to have done a good job at executing it. Indeed, in this incident Corporal Session’s body camera is blocked by his outstretched arms throughout much of the gun battle. His gun camera captures almost all of it. Furthermore, the gun camera clearly shows Orellana pointing a sawed-off shotgun at Session. In the body camera video it’s hardly visible.

Viridian’s “FACT” camera automatically activates any time the gun is removed from its holster. It has a built-in flashlight and is supposedly capable of recording up to six hours of 1080p video with sound. Gun cameras play a different role than body worn cameras and the technologies complement one another, but I have to point out that a weapon mounted camera deployment is orders of magnitude less expensive than a body worn camera deployment. (More on that soon.) With the caveat that purchasing decisions should not be made on the basis of footage from a single incident, this is promising tech. And that’s why you are seeing it.

Back to the story.

When the smoke cleared, Orellana has been shot eight times and Session had taken 41 shotgun pellets to his left arm and shoulder — where 36 pellets remain to this day.

In mid-February 2020 a jury found Orellana guilty of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on a public official, a level one felony in Texas. Orellana was sentenced to 40 years in prison, with a minimum of 20 years served before he is eligible for parole. Moreover – per Corporal Session – Orellana has yet to face his charges of continuous sexual abuse of a child, indecency with a child and aggravated sexual assault of a child. That 20 year minimum could get much longer. Session and Orellana have both recovered from their injuries.

*As noted on screen, Corporal Session explicitly consented to showing the entirety of this video – including the ambulance footage.


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Music: “Enjoy Yourself” by Steven O’Brien

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


44 thoughts on “Caught on Gun Camera: Police Shootout With Man Wanted for Child Sex Crimes”
  1. “lucky I didn’t put one in your head” lmao he got jokes huh he think he tough

    I like how he keeps saying my had agghh but hes like ah it didn’t hurt tho lmfao 🤣

  2. He is so lucky he was already backing up before that shotgun fired. The shit accuracy of a sawn-off is probably the only thing that saved him.

  3. You can hear the immaturity in this office has voice these are the men and women chosen to protect us I have the mentality of a twelve-year-old running around with real guns scared

  4. You are such a GOOOOOD COP !!! Even tho your injured, you are concerned about everyone around you !!!!! GOD BLESS YOU !!! ❤ ❤ ❤

  5. That poor cop. He seemed so nice and approachable with the people he was talking to prior. Why are people so silly over there. He pulls out a gun and shoots a cop and then carries on like no ones business because he got shot and it hurts. Shame he didn’t think of that before pulling the weapon.

  6. I ain't no expert, but me having family in the NYPD which we can tell when someone is new or just started. I think some of them just started and this was a bang. but man that was insane.

  7. I’m only a little into the video, but my first impression is that female cop is acting very nonchalant and seems like she can’t be bothered with helping.

  8. “We’re going home tonight” that hit deep. Thank you for everything you guys do. Can’t let a few bad apples destroy the good guys reputation.

  9. Wow. No bystanders injured, officer still on his feet, and in control of it ALL.

    Wow. A totally benign, routine call turns into a nightmare, and that quick.

  10. I teared up when they hugged and told each other they loved each other. That had to be so terrifying. So glad the officers are OK.

  11. cop: "hey can you see him? coz I don't see a shit"

    goat: "meehhh ..yo stepin my shit dude!"
    fking hilarious

  12. He was tough enough to pull a weapon on an officer but that went out the window when he got shot.

  13. Be grateful every moment if your life..
    Life is so unpredictable at every moment and in anu given situation. He did a good job. Wish everyone the best..m stay safe❤✌

  14. “Waterrrr, I need waterrrrr” dude turned into Spongebob with all those holes in him, sounded like he was at Sandy’s house😂

  15. Then we have cops that are in medication.. cop sed in 31 minutes in… I haven’t taken my meds in two days 👁‍🗨👁‍🗨😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️waoooooooooooooo no wonder why so much ppl getting abuse by police… if this ppl are insane in the brain themselves with a gun n a badge top of that

  16. Waooooooo how cop just talk like that… you lucky I ain’t put one in ur head waooooo…. and they letting him bleed 🩸 to death he should been inside that ambulance long time ago.

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