Welcome to your Daily Dose of Crime! Here, we bring you exclusive footage of police encounters, focusing on transparency and accountability in government actions.
We provide a mix of educational and newsworthy content, giving you a closer look at public safety issues. Our mission is to share genuine exclusive police footage to help you better understand the work and challenges faced by law enforcement.
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When you blur out most of the video it’s not worth watching!!
Why are we censoring words like drunk, intoxicated, and weed?
Why do you blur out footage that’s not even sensitive? It’s the dumbest thing ever. You’re blurring out officers communicating
Love this channel

People got shot and that's terrifying .
He probably felt “dizrespekd”
It wasn't long after talking to the woman witness that she said that the shooter was an employee. A manager would be able to ID him really quickly.
I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the black community and their culture to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature makes them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, as an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self-improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.
0:31 wtf is a blood body? 0.o
Thank God you recap every 30 seconds in that phony announce voice. Otherwise, I'd be completely lost to what is going on.
What did.they do for the whole hour before they entered the building? Thats.SOP.now,.right?
Not knowing English can get you unallived in a situation like that
Bet they had a "gun free policy" for the employees.
can anyone explain wtf a blood body is? and do we all have em!!??
Another crazy one.
you dont have to explain what we all just watched 30 seconds ago
My blood body is on the floor made me laugh lol
Tyler making sure he doesn't miss out on his youtube paycheck! *blur, blur, blur and blur again.
Blurred pictures don’t cut it
Stop your insane censorship. What is even wrong with you?
12.2% of Population
26.6% of total arrests
51.2% of murder
52.7% of robbery
28.8% of burglary
28.8% of Car theft
26.1% of drug related
That is the cleanest smoking area I've seen outside of Japan
the fucking video blur is so stupid
Not one witness capable of communicating
its so stupid the videos are blurred out
Female officer is wound up.
Dark is censored? Also… did you notice that they hire almost all foreigners? That's fucked up.
If you are living and working in an English speaking country it should be a must imo.
Some dumb mfs in these comments
Why release a video that's mostly blurred?! Oh wait you just want fuckin money!
What is this, everyone including police crazy? It must have happened in the “happy” USA! More people are crazy there for sure!
At this rate youtube will want any words that aren't "rainbow" or "kitten" to be censored
Should call ICE while they're at it……….
Imagine being told you cant drive away from the location of an active mass shooting.
Fake fake fake.
Thanks for the forecast! I have a quick question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?
What a well spoken lady. She speaks better English than most ratchets.
Can you please move the big watermark out of the center of the screen. It is rather distracting. Especially since you have one in the lower right hand corner.
A New Albany police incident report revealed new details from witnesses and officers about a mass shooting that ultimately killed two people and wounded four others Tuesday night at a cosmetics manufacturing and packaging facility in the city's western Licking County area.
According to the report released Thursday, one of the witnesses, who was Nepali and had to speak to police through a translator, worked at the KDC/ONE factory and saw the suspected shooter, 28-year-old Bruce Foster of Columbus, firing his handgun.
The employee, whom The Dispatch is not identifying, told police she had encountered Foster when she came into work that night. She reported that Foster smelled strongly of marijuana and that she thought he was intoxicated.
—. Shahid Meighan, Columbus Dispatch
Too many of these workers don't speak any english, You have to actually know some english to get citizenship. We dont count that sneak in here give birth here your a citizens shit either.
That Lady cop needs stil to get a little bit more training. Wow. It’s sad but most incidents that happen that are a total accident or from women. I mean, we can look back from last year in a year before how many accidents from women police officers that have murdered somebody or accidentally shot somebody it’s not an accident when a police officer pulls a gun out and shoot somebody. It’s not an accident when a lady police officer pulls her taser out And taser somebody. It’s not an accident. When a lady police officer pulls out her taser and thinks it’s a gun. There is no way in hell that anyone would miss construed that a gun is a taser and a taser is a gun because there’s two different handles two different triggers two different everything women tend to think on menstrual cycles in my opinion.
Poor woman….she was trying her best to communicate…her English was very good…
Hmmmmm. Makes you think who it is?? Lmfao. Most likely the same typical people everyday!!!!!
How much vital time was wasted in translation. Imo if you live here, you should know fluent English, spoken and written.