Crying Over Spilled Meth, Deputy Bodman, COPS TV SHOW – Everything Law and Order Blog
Deputy Joe Bodman backs up a deputy who has stopped a truck that left a known problem house. As the truck is pulled over Deputy Thurman notices some shuffling between driver and passenger. When the female passenger is pulled out Deputy Thurman searches her purse and a meth pipe is found. Deputy Thurman asks if she is hiding anything on her and she pulls out 2 bags of meth from her bra. She insists driver gave it to her to hold as she begins to cry uncontrollably. The driver is questioned and denies it’s his. A search of truck finds pellet gun, nun-chucks, brass knuckles, a mask, shaved keys, possibly stolen goods, credit cards, needle in the visor, etc. Both are arrested.
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32 thoughts on “Crying Over Spilled Meth, Deputy Bodman, COPS TV SHOW”
  1. These people dont need Jail.send them to rehab classes,church and volunteer work for a year. Imagine these people are relatives and need help.
    I have been clean from alcohol and cocaine for 41 years. Jesus Christ filled my heart with love. X-musician/retired respiratory therapist.

  2. Unless its tons…who are they to say it's more than personal use? Do they know that the more you do, the more you "need"? You can start out with being happy with .25 then goes to half…1 g….a shirt… a ball… some is never enough after a while. I'm not tryna justify it but when they let someone go for "personal use", really, unless there is more than just that, a pipe, a few baggies, maybe a small scale, they need to let everyone go. Just sayin

  3. labeling them a felon is not good, there are political leaders in other countries such as us poles that are felons in other countries in pre, innocent and politics, sometimes signed plea just to get out, even the president could be a felon in other countries

  4. Is there anyway we can get a season of cops for LaSalle county? I feel like we could get a lot of views and possibly have some memorable moments. All the hacking, death spells, and hard drugs flying around. I love this show I wanna do a cameo and do a tarot reading live on air.

  5. Imagine being a cop and everyday you put people in jail … completely ruining peoples lives that are already in a bad way…. jail isn't a solution for addicts… jail should be reserved for violent crimes only not people who abuse themselves with drugs… I could understand if they were using in front of little kids and endangering them somehow

  6. My dad's sister, my aunt, was big on shooting up and she'd often come to our house and beg for money to buy drugs from my dad.
    Once she forgot her drug kit in our bathroom; there was blood all over the toilet lid and at 5 years-old I discovered the spoon and the cotton balls.
    My cousin was my best friend at the time and when I'd stay at her house, we'd both hear her dad yelling at her mom/ my aunt for using bill money and drugs and it really broke my heart for my cousin.
    That's why I strongly dislike junkies and I'm glad when the cops put them away even if for a day.

  7. Why or Why is so many people taking drugs. They age people. The help you forget your troubles. When you should be facing them with help and support. Its just a mugs game!!!. People who sell these evil drugs. They want lashing and thrown in a place well away from folk who want to live in peace. Your polceare doing thier upmost to try to get on top of it. But it appears to be a losing game. Has it's big business in places abroad like Peru. People work for very little drying and collecting the leaves. I watched a programme presented by Simon Reeve's in the U.K. By heck it opened my eye's. Good work all of youlaw inforcement officer's. Please all.of you who take drugsm stop shortening your lifes. There is another safe road to walk down. Where you will. Feel free. Please do it for you. Send these people packing who sell you this Tripe.
    🙏🤲🙏 Elizabeth . Someone who care's

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