Dana White Caught Speeding in Ferrari 488 Spider – Everything Law and Order Blog

The Ultimate Fighting Championship is the largest mixed martial arts organization in the world, and Dana Frederick White, Jr. has stood at its helm as president since 2001. Under White’s leadership, the UFC has grown from a once-ridiculed $2 million investment on the part of Station Casinos executives Frank and Lorenzo Fertitta, into a multibillion-dollar business and a household name.

But a net worth in the hundreds of millions of dollars doesn’t make any difference when lights and siren come on behind you.

Or does it.

On May 22, 2019, UFC President Dana White was stopped for speeding by a Nevada Highway Patrol trooper on a motorcycle. As for White, he was driving a Ferrari 488 Spider. Twenty-three miles per hour over the limit.

Watch what happened next. Only on Real World Police.





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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


48 thoughts on “Dana White Caught Speeding in Ferrari 488 Spider”
  1. So what is the minimum amount someone can be worth to be able to have traffic stops be over in 4 minutes? And furthermore, why do the richest of the rich get out of speeding tickets nearly 100% of the time? They’re the mf’ers that definitely wouldn’t miss a couple hundred bucks.

  2. That's such Bullshit, the car hadn't even passed him yet and he already planned on pulling the car over, you see him get ready like 10 seconds before the car passes smh tyrants

  3. I'm a huge Dana fan I think he's amazing and he's done an amazing job with the sport, but celebrities always get a break not every one every time but more than me and you

  4. Dana was one of the most humble nice guys when I investigated his Ferrari wreck years ago. We all screw up, it’s how you behave when you’re caught. Total gentleman he is!

  5. The cop must have thought…Oh, this guy looks like he's got some money…Ill let him off with a warning…we only go after the ones who can barely pay the court fines.

  6. This is what happens when you show your Id and do what the cop says. It doesn’t matter how much money you have.

  7. I got a ticket for the dumbest thing, I was trying to pass a car going under 65 on the fast lane so I sped up to about 70 and then boom I get a ticket because a cop was behind me on the lane next to me that's was such bs but I was polite and paid my fine 🙂 still I thought it ridiculous even though technically I was speeding but only to pas a car going hella slow 🐌😤😅

  8. What's more dangerous.. Driving w flow of traffic or being asked to pull over 4 lanes of traffic then habe to accellerate back onto freeway speeds from the shoulder in road debris w an 18 wheeler fast approaching.

  9. 85 on a freeway? thats not speeding at all its literally going with the flow of traffic everyone was going that fast obviously or he wouldve been passing people left and right…and he wasnt lol i cant stand police thats why he gave him a warning cuz he knows it was a bullshit stop

  10. Lets give people that can afford tickets warnings and people that struggle to pay bills and work 40 plus hours a week to barely get by lets give those people outragious tickets that will inconvininent there life for a while and probably wont get paid

  11. I always think it's bullshit when a cop pulls you over for going the same speed as everyone else. I got pulled over once for going 35 in a 25 which was the speed everyone else around me was going. Every other ticket I've gotten I'll own up to lol

  12. Motor one would of passed the car, banged on the hood and then forced him off the road and gave him the biggest ticket possible. No need for lights when motor 1 is on the job.

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