Dashcam Footage Shows Police Shootout in Huger, South Carolina

Dashcam Footage Shows Police Shootout in Huger, South Carolina

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
(Tuesday, February 26, 2019) Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office was involved in a shooting incident in the Huger area of Berkeley County. Just before 3:30 p.m., a Deputy responded to Waterfowl Lane for a report of a disturbance between neighbors. Investigators believe the disturbance was regarding a speeding issue in the neighborhood. When the Deputy arrived on scene, he observed the suspect’s vehicle speeding in the roadway and attempted to stop the vehicle. At that point, the driver 51-year-old Joseph Hart took cover, pulled out a gun and started firing a weapon at the Deputy. The Deputy was pinned behind his vehicle for approximately 30 minutes as the suspect shot at him Multiple law enforcement agencies attempted to set up a perimeter to assist the Deputy in getting away from the scene, but the suspect continued to fire multiple rounds at the law enforcement officers. At one point in the incident, the suspect said he was going to surrender to law enforcement. When deputies got close, the suspect fired again. The suspect was shot and killed. . All law enforcement officers that were on scene are unharmed.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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35 thoughts on “Dashcam Footage Shows Police Shootout in Huger, South Carolina

  1. Thankfully, many departments are funded well enough to be able to provide S.W.A.T. vehicles (otherwise known as the civilian equivalent of the military's armored personnel carrier). This is of course, armored, and allows officers to proceed into an extreme, hostile environment safely and achieve closer proximity to a suspect/s, thereby facilitating a quicker and safer end to a volatile situation. Officers, deputies or tactical specialist officers can inch closer to suspects and observe carefully what their options are without coming under threat from a suspect/s. Interestingly, many of the resources only provide certain positive aspects in a singular manner, ex.: (helicopters – air support is one of the best friends of any PD since it provides a bird's-eye view of everything and is equipped with night vision thermal imaging). Basically, you can't outrun the chopper. K-9 is great for a number of different reasons as officers can only pursue suspects on foot to a certain degree. S.W.A.T. or TAC (in some departments), if funded well, will provide an armored vehicle or a number of armored vehicles. One like in the video above, as well as the old-fashioned 'battering ram'. Although, I only see those in city departments more so.

  2. Good work… but the cops at the end need better tactical training. Ive never seen more people walk into potential lines of friendly fire then this is a while. Cops walking in front of the Swat team officers line of fire. Thats rookie mistakes and these guys dont look like rookies.

  3. It's the problem with religious people. They are batshit crazy in the head, so they wont kill themselves. They like to take you with them.

  4. Damn wish he shot the rest of the windshield out. Serious mental health issues I’m guessing because all this was over speeding. I bet the neighbors are glad these cops took out the trash

  5. 'leave!' shoots at cop

    so you have chosen

    lit up option, 99 percent chance of Bad Ending ending, and .00001 percent chance of Good Ending ending

  6. I'm surprised by the small number of rounds fired by LE. There were so many on scene I would have expected numbers in the hundreds, not less than 10 according to one article.

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