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17:09 he feels like he is not seen by his mom. She doesn’t listen to him.
She knows!!
At 9 years old my younger brother received head trauma that left him in a coma for 3 months . Since there were 2 other kids and my mom in that accident, that left her unable to walk the rest of her life , everyone just had to get by the best they could. His life was hard . He died by himself in a motel 6 . He was 48. This kid pictured in the video would have been a dream come true compared to Raymond's struggles. Ironic part . He lived his life like someone hiding substance abuse. Couldn't stand alcohol or drugs. His liver and kidneys should have still looked factory fresh. I would reach out every now and then. No good deed goes unpunished. Careful judging what you don't know enough about.
The Mom may be a pretty shitty mom. But a 10-year-old walking on the sidewalk is totally not illegal.
When I was 10 years old, we were walking all around town.
No wonder they dropped the charges and made her sign an insulting warning letter.
You can hear the 7:48 boy cannot pronounce his “R’s” which is a sign of tongue tie… a congenital oral condition that left untreated, impedes the tongue from proper movement. It’s neglectful to have a child this age, untreated. It’s usually handled at birth , when parents and doctors care that is…
Mom and grandma both suck
Mom my bigger concern is him not being picked up by Law Enforcement but picked up by a p*do!!
I’m not sure of the area they live in but when i was ten id be all over on my bike and fishing pole by myself. Up in the woods ect.
Grandma knows. The cop has no clue. Maybe the state needs to take him!!!!!! Let him go live with another family.kids do things out of hate. I’m sure he wanted to not go to school or he got kicked out so home schooling. I have seen this. I wanted to let my girlfriend to send her kid to military school!!!! They denied it. The state said no!!!So then more issues. This kid was massive trouble. He now is 24 has a 52 year old boyfriend!!! Very sad. Both are 200-300 lbs Crazy. This is what happens when kids are just out of control. Sad. Very sad. Georgia. A state that don’t care, about kids.
He's 11 and the cops are talking to him like he's a toddler lol. They seem nice, I'm sure they're just not around children much, but I remember being that age and absolutely hating when adults did that sing songy baby talk with me.
She doesn't want him.
Total over reaction.
Jeez the things I was doing at ten years old
With the way the mother talked about the son, and the grandma saying he is sad inside, I feel so bad for him.
The boy seems so afraid even standing way to the side of his grandfather's door. It doesn't seem normal that a boy wouldn't walk right up to his grandfather's door and knock. Something's not right with this whole picture here. I'm not sure if what the policeman is telling this woman is true locking a child in a house with them unable to get out? Wouldn't that be false imprisonment. I don't think that's a good idea either. If he had a great time with his grandma their planting and doing stuff he just doesn't like his mother she probably treats him differently than she treats the rest of the kids and maybe he'd be better off with his father
I bet she calls herself a, "momma bear," on social media….
20:30 she’s AWFUL
That’s BS! We all did this when we were kids! You can with her power puff girls tattoo they must work in a liberal city.
So obviously this kid is trouble!!! Should she have locked him up!!! Obviously not but the cops are doing the wrong thing. The kid knows what he is doing. When mom gets out that kid might just go to adoption! Sad but some kids are just evil. 10 years old has a knife on his hip, looks like a pack of cigs in front pocket from size, also he talks to police like he knows what’s going to happen. He is doing this out of spite!!!! Next time just call police and maybe they can take him and put him in military school. He knows not to be in the street but he does this out of spite. As we see grandma cares. Mom cares but kids are evil, when they know they can hurt mom. Sad. Send him to dad and dad will put him to work everyday,,,,,
Kids 10, carrying a knife and phone. Looks like a Grown man from the 80's. Shirt tucked in
If the child is acting perfectly fine with the grandmother but is "out of control" with his mother, the mother is the problem. "He won't eat anything good," that's a parenting skill issue.
Wtf is she supposed to do? Tie him to his bed?? You can't control a child that won't listen
he needs help and should be in school also, he needs someone to talk too and to be supported in many ways by many caring adults…there is a reason he is acting out!!!
Uhh Not sure how i feel about this. I spent most my Childhood Outside. Used to Run in the woods all the time. Wonder around the Farm. Used to wonder the streets on my bike. Dad had a RUle we could only go so far. Now you can't play outside ?
They talk freely like that to authority figures about their son, and it's always 10x worse in private. He probably gets screamed at and psychologically/emotionally abused on a daily basis. This young boy is probably living in a home with a narcissistic mother and there's a damn good reason why he runs away. His situation reminds me of myself. My mother took me to therapists too but she manipulated them as well as our conversations with the sole intent of having her psychological abuse validated and justified by a third party professional. She was paying them for the time, so of course they went along with it. Very sad. I cried myself to sleep many nights as a preteen and teenager as I researched emancipation of a minor and applied for jobs, realizing it would never be realistic and I would be stuck with my tormentor for several more years until I turned 18. Luckily she kicked me out on my 18th birthday. Best thing she ever did for me, in hindsight. Due to societal pressure I maintained a strained and distant relationship as a young adult because "that's your mom dude, you only get 1 of them!" But, I finally went no contact and I haven't spoken to her for 3 years now. She was not invited to my wedding. I am healing and never been happier. It is taking a lot of work to unlearn my toxic reactions and coping mechanisms which I learned from her growing up in her household. Now that it's been so long and I'm the age she was when I was a kid, I look back and wonder how the hell I ever thought that kind of treatment was normal…
If I imagine myself now doing those things to myself as a kid, I could never bring myself to do that to a child…
Grandma couldn't raise mom right so the 11yr old is left to pay for it all…
It's Elijay…not LJ. I stg these cc generators suck.
Grandmother is just as bad . Blaming it on the child . He apparently is having problems and there is something wrong .
DCF for sure. What a horrible mother. The house says much! And grandpa even more. Lets see the rest.
kid is a spoilt brat
this is such a joke.. 10 years old- what happened to playing outside. This is bull***
I remember my mother throwing my brother and I out the back door right after breakfast. I wouldn’t say she locked the door to keep us from coming back in, but we were kicked back out if we tried to come in before lunch or dinner. She had no idea what we were up to as we were running amuck for hours on end. And that was all considered normal back then
Another poor uneducated child. Being educated by Nim wit
If he's 11 years old he should know his mom's name his address where is mom works at and a phone number
The kids full name and address are said uncensored in the beginning of the vid, maybe should edit that out.
Wow, those other kids are her favorites . Disgusting behavior. That poor kid.