Don’t Shove Things Into Police Officers – Everything Law and Order Blog

This installment takes us back to a familiar haunt: Las Cruces, New Mexico. Unusually, however, we take a substantial leap backward in time to watch this footage. So set your time machines for the year 2013 and tag along with a group of LCPD officers dispatched to handle an… unusual… noise complaint.


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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


46 thoughts on “Don’t Shove Things Into Police Officers”
  1. Lit 🔥 AsF Lol 😂 Lol Lit 🔥 AsF 🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯

  2. The woman made this 10 times worse. If she had shut up and let the cops and the vet talk it out none of that would have happened.

  3. jeez this is as bad as the bubble blower protest. Officer "if that bubble hits me, it's assault and I'm arresting you"

  4. What an embarrassment. Drunks with no respect for anyone, but demanding respect from everyone.

  5. "I don't care about your 1" okay fuck it I don't care about your 5 then, get your ass over here before you force me to come to you.

  6. How I enjoy watching people chest out and bad ass until there in arms reach of the officer, I've found out in all my years in law enforcement women are the worst drunks to handle. happy to see that the video quality has improved today! 👍

  7. She seems like the type to claim her husband's experience and wear his rank- he didn't do 5 tours "they" did 5 tours.

  8. The cringe is real when you encounter a vetflake. Whether it's uniforms at the Airport or shooting their mouths off at applebees.

  9. I like how he held up his bracelet like it was a Green Lantern ring; like it was going to give him powers or protection. And I’m a vet saying that.

  10. I was like ha ha that 🐝 otch slammed that gate. BUSTED. Now try running your loud ass mouth. This is why I prefer my pets over supposed people.

  11. Some f’ing soldiers think serving in a war gives them an asshole pass for life. There are so many honorable soldiers who come back home and act as honorable here as they did in war. These pricks are NOT those types of soldiers!

    Btw, a soldier should understand that police officers are serving the people as well, and many are ex soldiers. They have a job to do. They should get it. But they don’t, because they’re a holes.

  12. I pulled over a Marine who had a combat deployment for speeding once. He immediately copped and attitude and said words to the effect of "Oh so I go and risk my life for this country to come back to this". I said "Yes, you did, to come back to a country that has laws that everybody, including veterans, have to abide by". He didn't know I was also a Marine veteran. So annoying, like his recruiter must have told him he gets a free pass to break traffic laws because he deployed… FOH with that noise.

  13. How embarrassing for these fools. If they were military then they know exactly what the cops were there for and know the proper way to calm themselves down and diffuse it. That drunk annoying crazy lady was the worst person there. I don't know why somebody didn't drag her back into the house and duct tape her to a chair until the police left. Glad to see she got arrested though. The cops were calm and polite. You'd think military vets (even the disrespectful ones) could hold their liquor a bit better than that.

  14. "It's on video!"
    "Yes, ma'am, it is"
    "It's on video!"

    "It is, ma'am. Yes."
    "It's on video!"

    "Ma'am, yes, it is."
    "It's on video!"

    "Yes, it is, ma'am."
    "It's on video! It's on video! It's on video! It's on video!"
    Slams gate into officer.
    "I didn't mean to!"
    "Mean to or not, you did it. And as you say, it's on video."
    Karma's a bitch sometimes, huh, lady?

  15. Awww the kind of neighbors everyone wishes to have 🗣🗣🗣🍻🍻🍻🦏🦏🐘🐖🐖🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉

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