Drunk Legislator Busted by Police

Drunk Legislator Busted by Police

The Santa Fe Police Departments DWI unit arrested State Representative Georgene Louis, Democrat, Albuquerque, on charges of aggravated DWI, speeding, no car registration, and not having insurance. Louis hasn’t resigned from her position. The arrest happened on 2/12/2022.

She is a representative of District 26 in Albuquerque.

The featured content is NOT intended to be violent or glorify violence in any way. We are sharing the footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and educating.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swLuJolmEmU ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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33 thoughts on “Drunk Legislator Busted by Police

  1. If this moron stopped to listen and do what you’re told then it would have been far less time that she was in the cold. He should have just arrested her, he had way more patience with her than I would.

  2. She was the best-behaved Official I've seen busted in a YouTube video. Most Officials that have been busted for DUI have been foul-mouthed, aggressive, fraudulent, lying, cheating, belligerent so and so's…Ms G Louis was very cordial and co-operative to my understanding…but still shit-faced behind the wheel and should have known better!

  3. I'm sorry,but could somebody tell me what the temperature was? If it was as cold as she kept repeating. Then why was she driving at such speeds? Her stupidity astounds me !!!! I cannot believe the patience of these officers. If it had of been myself trying to put this arrogant arse through her paces…….. Well i think i would have said sod it cuffs on after refusing to remove her glasses. Just in case anyone was not sure. It was 36 degrees.lol

  4. she should have been maced!!! anyone else would have. ANYONE who is employed by citizens should be FIRED on the spot and all benefits revoked if busted for dwi and acting like this. the more corrupt tyrants we can get out of office, the better cities, states and country we will have.
    the first step is vacating the corrupt in local offices before they get a chance to move up the political ladder to state and federal positions where they can do MORE harm.
    this tiny tyrant has got to GO!!!!

  5. I'm not afraid to admit, I've been drinking, I've been driving, I don't care who I've hit. My wife tells me enough already with the Playstation, go to bed aleadry.

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