On November 5th, 2024, in Ohio, police responded to an apartment where an elderly man reported waking up to his ex-girlfriend rummaging through his pockets in an attempt to steal his food stamp card. When he tried to stop her, she allegedly pulled the oxygen tube from his nose.
Being a criminal at that age is sad, do yall realize we can see yall lying..yall have to do better
Old man stay away from the woman. You're life will be better off.
I'm about to turn 60. Gee… the great wonderful life of becoming a senior citizen
Please respect the elderly , they been living for a minute their rest of their days should be peaceful
I wish all elderly homes have a nurse like her.
We most all be crazy to think there is no black on black
Poor dude who really owns key is still waiting to get in….
How old is to old too be running the streets,….
what a wonderful culture.
I don't trust those two "aides" at all.
They are almost certainly ripping the old man off and don't want to share with the old lady.
Some evil people in this world. You banned from the building you shouldn't even be in there
That nurse is fine!
She's a butter head
Makes you wonder other dastardly deeds she has done throughout her life.

His aides are way too involved for some reason. They usually will call police and let them handle. Aides usually dont have this much info about changing of pin numbers and food stamp cards. Aides have also been taking advantage of this man and mad cause the girlfriend keeps taking the mans stuff so now the aides cant get a little extra on the side now. I already see how this game is being played. And why would your aide be buying her client a new phone? Sorry but i believe the old lady with this one. The aide new way too much about this mans finances. Aide wants that woman away from there. And to know that this aide is a "fill in" and not even his aide full time? Hmm. Sorry, but the aides are playing games. They shouldnt know anything at all about the mans finances and pin numbers. Aint no aide buying a client a new phone. And the keys dont even match. Aides are definitely lying and need to be investigated. They are brainwashing that man and taking advantage of the mans dementia.
Thats a crackhead move .

I bet his gf is a crackhead
Take heed fellas.. they will follow you to hospice, if you keep playing with fire…
God bless his caregiver for doing so much for him.
No morals, no shame no conscience and no future for this lady.
Glad I'm single

When you think ppl cant get any lower. Yet here we are.
Senior on Senior crime