Entitled 19-Year-Old Thinks She’s Too Young For Jail – Everything Law and Order Blog

On September 3rd, 2022, Police in Washington were dispatched to Khols regarding two teenagers shoplifting, when the officer told them they were under arrest, one teenager would not comply.


46 thoughts on “Entitled 19-Year-Old Thinks She’s Too Young For Jail”
  1. I love watching videos like this. I want to learn next year. I’m going to high school and I’m going to study on being a. Police officer when I’m 18. I’m gonna go for some test and hopefully get through. I would always love to be a police officer.❤

  2. This broke girl doesnt have a lawyer 🤦🏻‍♂️ call my lawyer girl your broke and stealing from the store. You know if u go to court your getin some shity public defender. Call my lawyer that was funny 😂

  3. This is a wake up call for people me and this girl's age who say they're children and think they can trick older people into thinking they don't know what they're doing. I see this only with Americans, 18-20 year olds over there seem like a handful to deal with,from what I've seen it seems like so many of them are hell bent on convincing everyone they're still kids.
    You can call yourself whatever you want,a young woman,emerging adult,new adult but we're NOT KIDS,grow up!!

  4. That's bullshit they need to grow the heck up and stop shoplifting. Their where both stupid as hell for what their doing but their very pretty women that should not be acting this way. SMH.

  5. I honestly feel bad for people who dont have the maturity to deescalate themselves. This is the person who will get themselves shot or multiple felonys for "blacking out". This is the people who comment "my anger issues could never" to everything, naw you're just a grown child

  6. One thing I learned is that if people comply and stop resisting the cops won’t have to use any force. By law, they can legally put the hands on you if you are being detained and getting arrested. She was being loud and wilding for no reason.

  7. Someone who is clearly in full control of their emotions and not erratic at all 😒🤦‍♂️
    Even her friend is an F'ing idoit. Imagine just having an interaction with the cops, your already on thin ice, then you tell a cop to his face, you're going to drive over and pick her up… while your license is suspended 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
    Honestly how brain dead are these kids today??

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