Felony Manpon, Deputy Rogers, COPS TV SHOW – Everything Law and Order Blog

Deputy Jonathan Rogers – Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
Deputy Rogers of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office observes a vehicle leaving an area known for narcotics trafficking, driven by a man who is not wearing a seat belt. Upon making contact with the driver, the smell of fresh marijuana alerts the deputy to the presence of contraband in the vehicle. He asks the driver if there is anything in the truck that might get him in trouble. The man states that there is not and the deputy asks him to step out of the car. As Deputy Rogers pats the man down, he feels something in the man’s groin that doesn’t belong. He detains the man and reads him his rights. He asks the man if he has anything and is told no. He explains he is going to go in and find whatever it is and the man continues to deny having anything in his crotch that isn’t ‘his’. He tells the deputy it is a violation of his rights to have him search his crotch and that he is exposing his body to passersby. As another deputy gloves up to give a second opinion, the driver blurts out that he has some tissues stuffed ‘up there’ because he has ‘leakage’. Rogers explains that while that may be the case, he still has to investigate. The two deputies dig deep and extract a large baggie of marijuana. Rogers places the driver in a patrol car and asks him why he didn’t just come clean. The man laughs and states that he ain’t going to tell the truth, it’s his job to try and get away with it. The deputies weigh the marijuana which is 8 grams over a felony amount. The driver is interviewed again and Rogers tells him that he has heard many things in his career but a “manpon” and “leakage” are new to him. After explaining the charges, Rogers discusses the stop with Deputy Craft. Rogers says you have to respect that kind of dedication to your game, to come up with some that unique.
– You can now watch Cops on Amazon Prime in Canada, the UK, Ireland & Australia, watch here: https://amzn.to/39mtmXb


26 thoughts on “Felony Manpon, Deputy Rogers, COPS TV SHOW”
  1. Sir we caught him beebopping with his ub40 oz and getting his bob marley on over by the liquor store. We are gonna have to bring him in for questioning on suspicion of possession of armed pottery. Sir I will inform the sarge of this discrepancy after I stop by to pick up our doughnuts on the way back to precinct.

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