Fiber Optic Ghost, Officer Wayne Anderson, COPS TV SHOW – Everything Law and Order Blog
COPS TV Show, Officer Wayne Anderson, Boise Police Department
Officer Anderson responds to a call of a disturbance involving a male suspect running down the street with a firearm. After making contact with our suspect, he’s clearly out of breath and claiming he’s been chasing after a couple guys who were trying to break into his house and install fiber optic wires. Officer Anderson asks him a few more questions and believes he may be under the influence of narcotics. Eventually our suspect admits he recently took what he believed was bath salts that his son gave to him. He then goes onto point out that there were more fiber optic wires right by his feet and continues to trip. After searching him he has multiple pieces of tin foil with bath salts in it on his person. He’s booked and taken to jail.
– You can now watch Cops on Amazon Prime in Canada, the UK, Ireland & Australia, watch here:


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