Full Episode: Trading Drugs For A Stolen Car | Cops TV Show

Full Episode: Trading Drugs For A Stolen Car | Cops TV Show

A white truck is disabled with stop sticks ending a pursuit in Pierce County, Washington but Deputies are forced to use tasers to gain compliance from the driver and passenger. A man admits he traded $50 worth of meth for a stolen Acura in Lakewood, Washington. The man’s girlfriend admits she thought the car was stolen when her jobless boyfriend asked for a screwdriver to start it. A desperate man in Hamilton County, Ohio is caught with a baggie of a white powder that he admits is just sugar.

This episode was filmed in 2004.
▪️ COPS Season 17 – Episode 26

Lakewood Police Department: https://cityoflakewood.us/police-homepage/
Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office: https://www.hcso.org/

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COPS is a documentary television series and one of the longest-running programs in the US. The show provides a real-life glimpse into the tireless work of law enforcement. The show was created by John Langley and Malcolm Barbour and premiered on Saturday, March 11, 1989.

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#lakewoodpd #hamiltoncountysheriffsoffice #cops #copsfullepisodes #vehiclepursuit


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45 thoughts on “Full Episode: Trading Drugs For A Stolen Car | Cops TV Show

  1. There has been a huge change in policing after those body cameras came on the scene. That dude didn’t need to get tased, he already got hit by their cruiser.

  2. I hear this in so many takedowns, "Get on your stomach!" and "Get on your back!" Both commands given at the same time! Probably, the "Get on your back" command is meant to be, "Hands behind your back". Could be confusing to the supect. Just thought I'd mention this.

  3. Damn those knees in the first episode were a little unnecessary!!!! He was down and barely moving and about three knees…Pretty nasty!!! The Pierce County Sheriff’s are trash!!!!!

  4. Thank you CopsTV for showing this episode! 2nd segment doggy is so nice. For those checking off episode numbers you have watched, this one is
    s17e24 Coast to Coast #74, aired Apr 16, 2005

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