Full Press Conference: District Attorney Charges Police Officer in Fatal Shooting of Patrick Lyoya – Everything Law and Order Blog

@Cops&Cons has learned Kent County Prosecutor Chris Becker announced he charged officer Christopher Schurr in the death of Patrick Lyoya.

The case got international attention after Officer Schurr shot Lyoya in a traffic stop.

The featured content is NOT intended to be violent nor glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2G0TuhrtPA ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


42 thoughts on “Full Press Conference: District Attorney Charges Police Officer in Fatal Shooting of Patrick Lyoya”
    Taxpayers money pays for theses Corrupt tyrant of Crimes against humanity & traitors & treasonous criminal COPS !
    🤣😂💩🐀🧟‍♀️👹All one team !

  2. Looks like he was paid a visit by a few pressure groups. He was offered a deal beneficial to himself and his future, oh and the community will not be burned down. Thanks again George.

  3. Bullshit charges! Despicable DA needs a new line of work. 100% JUSTIFIED SHOOTING Well done officer, thank you for doing your job!

  4. Hopefully more district attorney's will grow a pair, and file charges on tyrant police officers who openly murder, steal, rob, and assault citizens.

  5. They keep this up and nobody’s going to sign up to be a cop in the future! I know that I already wouldn’t do it. Too much risk without enough reward. You can get a fast food job and earn nearly as much!

  6. 100% justified shooting.
    Dude didn’t comply, fought with officer, tried to take the officers taser.
    Fuck the media and moronic individuals who see this as just white cop shoots black man instead of seeing the truth being, lone officer with no backup is forced to fire upon suspect who is wrestling with him, while trying to take his weapon.

  7. If the criminal who was running away, resisting arrest and reaching for the cops taser had white skin, there would be no charges here. Society is falling apart.

  8. This is an absolute coward destroying his community instead of protecting it. Mr. Becker, why do you seek fame and power instead of justice? You won’t be smiling when the woke tide turns on ya buddy.

  9. At first, I thought it might have been nervous laughter coming from this guy; but he seemed quite happy and almost giddy as time went by.
    I think he should've been more respectful when discussing something like this.

  10. Originally I wanted to assume this momo DA sought 2DM because he knows there's no way the officer would be adjudicated guilty on that, so he did it as a means to keep the peace with the public and make everything kosher…however, this idiot is putting the officer's life in peril for something that was entirely justified. Remember back in the day when people showed due respect to law enforcement and acted like civilized adults? Pepperidge Farms remembers… Thanks media, you've all made assaults on cops a damn notch in the belt for the geddo class of America.

  11. No way the cop should be charged with anything with this. These fcking animals can fight with cops and try to take their guns and it’s ok? These charges are usually political and based on pressure. Pathetic. I’m never on a particular side but this time I feel like this is wrong.

  12. The guy took the officer taser. That make this a justified shoot. Stop wasting everyones time with a show trial that will end in acquittal.

  13. they are probably just charging the officer to avoid more race riots in michigan and appealing to their voter base there…

  14. The district Attorney is NOT correct, but he is politically correct. He does not want his house fire bombed and his family harmed.

  15. The CRIMINAL grabbed the taser while violently resisting. The DA is just trying to prevent his city from burning down from the “peaceful protests”.

  16. Stay strong Cop. Unfortunate this happened but in no way did you have any malicious intent..that was NOT Murder!

  17. WTF!!!!! Did Patrick have learning difficulties or something…after seeing the videos… why did he seem so dumb, why did run and then why did he resist. Not saying he deserved to die but I bet the officer was just as afraid of his own safety as was Patrick. I guess Im glad that a trial will be held but itsa a 50/50 in my book.

  18. The guy was going to go to jail. The cop had his license plate and knew exactly who he was. Why not just let him run away? Find him later with 12 cops instead of capping him in the dome? The punishment for fleeing law enforcement is not summary execution.

  19. DIstrict attorneys are part of the ANTIFA BLM terrorism wave. They are THROWING cops to the wolves and letting grand juries decide what DAs should do first. DEMOCRATS ARE THE PARTY OF NAZIS

  20. Improper plate leads to a civilian being shot and killed. The officer went hands on right away and escalated the situation. So if a suspect runs you can just kill him. Why not call for backup and hunt him down. I guess that requires police skills, killing is much easier. I hope the pig cop gets jailed and put in general population.

  21. Every SINGLE one of you who has seen the video and knows that the Officer is innocent and that he was protecting himself and his own life had better call this district Attorney's office and tell them exactly what you think about this. Total BS. Why would anyone ever want to be a cop when DAs expect u to allow a perp to take ur weapons while fighting their arrest. This is absolute perversion of justice and its an assault on police! Why would anyone EVER want to become a cop under the circumstances we have before us? Better be prepared for the lawlessness that's coming and will be worsening without a doubt. F THIS DA. FIRE HIS A.

  22. Oh hell no he ran the stared to fight with the officer he had the right to shoot the guy was just standing there not trying to help

  23. This is a lot like the Portsmouth Va Police Officer Steven Rankin case….his LOD shooting had VERY similar fact patterns…..

    Ultimately Rankin WAS convicted of Manslaughter

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