Here’s What You Shouldn’t Do When Police Show Up – Everything Law and Order Blog

On January 25th, 2023, in Ohio, Officers were dispatched to an apartment in reference to an altercation between a couple. Police were told that the girlfriend was causing chaos in the apartment. This is body cam footage of the events.

28 thoughts on “Here’s What You Shouldn’t Do When Police Show Up”
  1. She just told us her boring life story…when all she wanted was her suff back from her friend ?? Are you for real right now ?? I just wasted 1:43 minutes of my life that I'm NEVER GETTING BACK on this nonsense. Next time…please get to the damn point please. No one cares about how, when, where etc….The cops here are wwwwway to patient. Damn !!!!!!

  2. “I’ve been in jail for a week, I’m about to be in for another week, this is weird as fuck”. Holy cow imagine your vocabulary being so stunted that your only adjective when getting arrested is to call it weird

  3. The stupid 304 on the floor laughing is thinking she's about to get paid cuz she got 'attacked' by the police!! When an officer tells you to stop advancing on him & you refuse to listen twice, what did you expect the officer to do?? Anyone can see who the troublemaker is in this situation & it would be in everyone's best interest to get as far away from this trash bag as quickly as possible!!

    At first she was defiant, then it was loud & obnoxious, then we got the threats & finally the crybaby victim!! If you acted like a HUMAN when they showed up, you might not be in such an uncomfortable situation but that's not in your playbook!! Acting normal, treating people with respect & speaking English aren't things she's able to do!! The only racist in the car is you lady!!

  4. Ive seen now 2 videos of drunk women getting arrested. And the Police in the US really doesnt know how to deal with drunk people. Just say sorry for indecent touching and talk like a normal person. They be here grabbing people and when they are asked to stop they arrest you for no reason.

  5. I swear every single video that I seen on YouTube and there's a lot of them involving these type of situations that race car is always used 😂

    Why can't they come up with something original other than the race card or that old beat up saying of "I can't breathe!" When it's obvious they can breathe just fine.

  6. Always interesting how people like this straight up incriminate themselves despite the police not actually being there to arrest them. Like sure, the officer didn't need to shove her, but being confrontational will get you nowhere but a jail cell.

  7. This is very sad. I think she needs some help; to be going to jail twice in a month, and to drink to that extent where you've lost all sense? There's something seriously wrong in her life or in her head.

    And then he just immediately man handles her and snatches her out the car like she's a toddler LOL
    What is with all these western women who think they are like gangster rappers? Where did this come from?

  9. Lesbian relationships are just different. In the past I dated 2 women. And that was enough. Just too much craziness. I knew who I was but they tried to change me into something I wasn't. Women are just different. And that's coming from a woman 😂

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