High-Speed Chase Ends in Crash | Atlanta, GA | COPS TV Show

High-Speed Chase Ends in Crash | Atlanta, GA | COPS TV Show

Officer Greg Dabney of Atlanta PD attempts a routine traffic stop, but the suspect flees, crashing into a ditch before being apprehended on foot. The suspect is arrested for carjacking and other charges, while the female victim is rescued and taken to the hospital.

*This first aired on October 24, 1998

Atlanta Police Department: https://www.atlantapd.org/home

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COPS is a documentary television series and one of the longest-running programs in the US. The show provides a real-life glimpse into the tireless work of law enforcement. The show was created by John Langley and Malcolm Barbour and premiered on Saturday, March 11, 1989.

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19 thoughts on “High-Speed Chase Ends in Crash | Atlanta, GA | COPS TV Show

  1. Put that uniform on and now you’re dealing with an SOB! Qualified Immunity means I’m immune because I’m a Secret Society Freemason Cop! They’re all Freemasons! Freemason Privilege is evil! It’s the only true privilege ruining America and our democracy!
    Never Trust Secret Society, Constitution Hating Freemason Cops. 🐷 To be a cop you must disrespect the constitution and pass a low IQ test! So expect the worst possible outcome with cops! This is why you never help the police! The facts everyone seems to miss! Almost all Police are Freemasons, it’s basically a Freemason Fraternity. And Freemasons lead the pack in privilege. The Freemason Cult far exceeds all racial and gender privilege because they are so stealthy! Sneaky successful, evil that is cloaked by the goodness of charity and counter propaganda, they don’t have a care for regular people! The estimated number of Freemasons in America exceeds 2 million but this is a very conservative number. No matter where you go in public or on the job you will cross paths with a Freemason and never know it. Freemason managers will hire a Freemason who is under qualified over a qualified candidate. Freemason Managers use Freemason vendors, contractors and suppliers whenever possible and operate with fraud and kickbacks. For example they will purchase more than they need and waste it or stage breakdowns and make costly repairs. Freemasons are everywhere yet “The Elephant in the room” is never exposed, never a single news story. They impact our daily lives in total secrecy and in complete impunity. Their secret password is MA HA BONE. The apprentice handshake is to press your thumb on the index finger knuckle. There is no greater threat to constitutional freedom than pure and virtuous secret society organizations that operate around the fringes of society. Nothing good ever has to be a secret. Goodness is never suppressed, goodness like all righteous religions is openly taught and shared. Anything that has to operate in secrecy is nefarious! Wake up! That’s why most cops who commit horrific crimes are not prosecuted. And those who are fired are just moved to another Freemason precinct. That’s because Freemasons are sworn by oath to defend and protect each other and the craft or face certain death.

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