Hit and Run Driver That Reported Car Stolen vs. Intoxylizer 8000

Hit and Run Driver That Reported Car Stolen vs. Intoxylizer 8000

If you have not already watched “Hit And Run Drunk Driver Tries Reporting Car Stolen, Gets Arrested Instead” this video will lack context. You are of course welcome to give it a shot on its own, but I highly recommend you check out the other video first.

Okay! So we are all familiar with our hero, Alex, or “the guy who reported his car stolen almost immediately after he crashed it, and called his mother to his arrest.”

Some of you were wondering what what this guy was like at the station and I received a few messages from people asking whether there was footage of him being breathalyzed, and if so, whether I could post it.

Of course there is. And here you go.






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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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28 thoughts on “Hit and Run Driver That Reported Car Stolen vs. Intoxylizer 8000

  1. If he left the scene, can't he claim he got drunk AFTER driving? I'm pretty sure that's what the captain of the Exxon Valdez did after causing a major oil spill in Alaska years ago. He just wrecked his car. Of course he needed a drink to calm his nerves.

  2. I wish some how the moment this idea hit this man's head was recorded.. I bet the min this plot came to him he probably did some stupid ass hilarious shit thinking it's a definite great plan

  3. Ha ha ..a Dr. Phil ad came up and I thought it was part of the video…btw…phil…who is not a doctor…has interesting topics and I believe he finds help for some people…all of which is good…but…in my opinion …i think Phil is a quack…please have mercy on me for my opinion…lol

  4. Holy shit dude! I didn't know that John Popper got arrested too! Where were the rest of the Blues Travelers while this was going on? Did he play the harmonica?

  5. A little known fact.
    :in France they actually have a scheduled nap for all top politicians, always at 3:30 pm.
    They even have specific rooms in all government buildings to take the naps in.

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