Horse Jockey Caught Cheating Gets Busted by Cops

Horse Jockey Caught Cheating Gets Busted by Cops

@Copwatchtv obtained body camera footage from the Ruidoso Downs Police department about an August 2023 call out to the horse racing track located at Ruidoso Downs.

When police arrived, a state investigator had confiscated a small electric prod from Hector Aldrete-Bizcarra who was a jockey that had raced that day.

Investigators said that device, which was put in an evidence bag, had a wrist strap and two metal plungers that don’t turn off.

Aldrete-Bizcarra was charged with a fourth degree felony.

The featured content is NOT intended to be violent nor glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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30 thoughts on “Horse Jockey Caught Cheating Gets Busted by Cops

  1. I love that shocking the horse is a felony, but shooting it dead on the track, after abusing it and torturing it for years, because it's now worthless in the race, isn't. Horse racing NEEDS TO END

  2. I can understand that this is cheating but I have a feeling that the entire gambling scene is built on cheating and that’s why the house wins the majority of the time.

  3. Shouldnt the police officer have a book with the laws in it or THE INTERNET or something to where like he doesn't have to ask the people what the law is.

  4. I don't know what it is about gambling on animals, be it cock fighting, dog fighting or dog/horse racing, but it attracts some of the lowest forms of life on earth. Poor horses.

  5. Notice they had a downed horse and gave almost zero care for it, this guy using a shocker had the whole place on fire lol. Guess some things are more important then others

  6. im not shocked. (pun intended) lets be frank here. the Horses did NOT choose to race, Man makes the horses do his bidding. the end. it is Mankinds fault and he should be punished, so should the owner.

  7. Ruidoso downs is where the All American Futurity takes place. This years winner was a 15-1 underdog…..makes you wonder. In the book Bloodlines by Melssia Del Bosque it is claimed that race has been fixed before. Good book about this very track and the cartels who ran horses there

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