“I don’t need no help, I can do it myself!” (Abq Traffic Stop, Foot Pursuit)

“I don’t need no help, I can do it myself!” (Abq Traffic Stop, Foot Pursuit)

Once this subject is caught things take a fast turn toward the weird. This footage is probably going to surprise you.

As a heads up, it contains strong language. (Like, more than usual.)





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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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36 thoughts on ““I don’t need no help, I can do it myself!” (Abq Traffic Stop, Foot Pursuit)

  1. This is extremely manipulative attention seeking behavior. As an RN with 40 years experience and more than that in life experience I have seen this often. It’s an attempt to obtain pity and alter any consequences his behaviors should warrant. It’s an extremely immature behavior but very calculated. He knows exactly what he is doing and saying. Though yes, sometimes people like this do actually commit suicide more often than not they continue this behavior moving from one screw up to another. It is sad the inability to take responsibility for your own actions and learn from mistakes to improve your life.

  2. Would have loved to see one of them sit down and talk to the guy for a minute. Clearly something wrong… criminally, mentally, and/or situationally. They don't care. They should care.

  3. If one is repeatedly claiming & uttering how they can’t breath…
    Most likely They’re definitely breathing….😳😆🤷🏻‍♂️🙄 😏

  4. Why is he so concerned about how he just fucked up his life if he had plans too end his life he just wants a crazy pass so he don't do time.gtfo anyone can see that 😂

  5. Running ur mouth about suicide is far worse then spending a few nights in the bing. As far as ruining your life goes. He'll see. Dude gonna have no rights after this.

  6. what happened? I dont even know what he did, are they going to give him the electric chair or something? He prolly got released the next day, A la ve…

  7. Its nice when pieces of shit offer to take care of themselves, we should just let them do it…..its not like energy can be destroyed, he'll just lose his body, and place on earth….hell just wake back up in the next life and be like "shit bro"

  8. I want to smack him in the legs with a night stick. The pain will return his self pitying ass to reality.

    I could not be a police officer. These impulses I have about these sneaky petes is really pathological. I feel like he's playing them and I don't care for it.

  9. Why are the Police harassing this upstanding citizen? Stopping him for a yellow light. Not letting him breathe. Tying him down in the car. This man deserves an apology from the Police and a wad of cash.

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