“I hear voices telling me to kill people” | Attorney Arrested for Attempted Murder – Everything Law and Order Blog

STUART, FLORIDA — On February 22, 2022, at approximately 12:52 p.m., the Stuart Police Department received a 911 call from a witness stating that she just saw a vehicle hit a bunch of people in the parking lot of Fresh Market at 2300 SE Ocean Blvd, and flee the scene westbound on SE Monterey Rd.

The witness followed the suspect vehicle as it traveled at a high rate of speed westbound on SE Monterey Rd, and provided Stuart Police dispatch with a description of the vehicle. When the vehicle, a black Kia Forte, made a right turn onto SE Palm Beach Rd from SE Monterey Rd, it was intercepted by Stuart Sergeant John Reddick.

Sgt. Reddick activated his emergency lights and siren and attempted to stop the vehicle as it approached the intersection of SE 10th St and SE Palm Beach Rd. The vehicle came to an abrupt stop in the middle of SE 10th St. As Sgt. Reddick exited his vehicle, the suspect vehicle continued northbound on SE Palm Beach Rd, then made a left turn onto westbound SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd before making a left into the parking lot of the Stuart Police Department.

The suspect vehicle pulled into a parking space and the driver exited the vehicle. Sgt. Reddick pulled in behind the suspect vehicle and took the driver into custody. The driver was later identified as a Beatrice Bijoux.

As soon as Bijoux was taken into custody, she made a spontaneous statement: “The voices in my head told me to kill someone.” Bijoux was temporarily secured inside of Sgt. Reddick’s patrol vehicle before being transported to a Stuart Police Department interview room.

Four victims were hit by the vehicle being driven by Bijoux. One, a 69 year old female was transported with life threatening injuries to Lawnwood Trauma Center by Martin County Air Rescue. Two others left on their own and refused further treatment, while the last was transported to Cleveland Clinic North by family members with a possible leg injury.

During her subsequent custodial interview, Bijoux was adamant that she intentionally wanted to kill other people, that she intentionally wanted to kill the people she struck with the car, and that she wanted to kill herself.

Bijoux went onto state that she was prescribed medication for bipolar disorder and for schizophrenia, and that she was under a doctor’s care. She stated she had not talked to her doctor since December 2021, and that she had been diagnosed with her mental health disorders in 2019.

Bijoux asked for her phone to delete all her social media. (That request was denied.)

Bijoux insisted on being charged with attempted murder in lieu of aggravated battery because her act was intentional.

Police interview of Beatrice Bijoux, and the interview of her boyfriend, to follow.


@What You Haven’t Seen

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mJD8vIKFJI ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


24 thoughts on ““I hear voices telling me to kill people” | Attorney Arrested for Attempted Murder”
  1. Stay in your thunder burden lane when your in my house…keep my wife's mother—kin name out your mouth! Then he/she slapped the cuffs out/in it.

  2. My question is, is she a defense attorney . You know when u get that an attorney we be provided for you, in the event you can’t afford one. Is she the one people get? Just asking

  3. I’m not saying she isn’t having a mental health crisis but she seems so clear and coherent. Far more than most sane people would be at times. It’s bizarre because I can’t tell if she’s faking or not. Her partner seems completely out of his mind in comparison.

  4. Damn all that college hard work and law school just to be a skell law library clerk at Lowell Annex. Poor girl man.

  5. I want to hire her. Not as an attorney, but to just drive around the grocery store I shop at. I'm really sick of people stopping in the middle of the aisle and talking and then looking at others like the others are in there way.

  6. Just goes to show how bright u have to be to be a lawyer 😂 . Good job lady u wack job

  7. Ok everyone says she's faking her mental illness but there's obviously something wrong with her mentally, sane people don't run over people just for no reason, I mean besides those who have a political or religious views to cause harm because of anger or whatever

    But she doesn't seem to have that intention. I dunno I'm no doctor but to me she does have mental issues, my heart goes to the victims and her, there's no human compassion anymore and it's sad….

  8. This seems like she threw this out as a last minute defense to try and get an insanity plea. She's an attorney knows what to and not do while being arrested. Like she said outright shes insane, but was also smart enough to not answer questions.
    This is very suspect.

  9. "Hearing voices in her head is not a reason to go to the hospital." aaaaand there's the problem folks.

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