“I’m with the National Background Investigations Bureau” – Everything Law and Order Blog

On April 19, 2018, at 0044 hours, Officers Jeffrey Rine, Jonathan Burgos, Stephen Hurt, and Craig Broder conducted a traffic stop in front of The Palms Club apartments in Orlando, Florida, on a red 2014 Mercedes sedan. Officers Burgos and Rine provided the driver, Delmontae Pryor, with a Florida Uniform Traffic Citation for violation of Florida State Statute (FSS) 316.074 (1), Obedience to and Required Traffic Control Devices (“Ran Stop Sign.”).

On April 19, 2018, Pryor responded to the Orlando Police Headquarters and completed a citizen’s complaint form against Officers Rine, Burgos, Hurt and Broder.

What do you think the outcome was?

Oh, and believe it or not… the NBIB? It was real.



00:00 Intro
01:40 Officer Rine
16:38 Officer Hurt
30:27 Officer Broder
43:33 16-hour suspension without pay

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


27 thoughts on ““I’m with the National Background Investigations Bureau””
  1. Quite scary if the driver is truly an investigator. He doesn't comprehend well, appears to have control issues, and carries a gun.

  2. He just NON-STOP ran his mouth from the minute they stopped him…..and he has the nerve to say something about being "unprofessional". And then there's the "race card"……<smh>

  3. Dear Black People just stop.. you are making yourself sound even more stupid with the race bullshit.. Its embarrassing really.

  4. While I don't buy the "because i'm black" bs it was an unlawful stop.
    Police can't and don't enforce signs in a private parking lot in which they claim he was coming out of and where he ran the stop sign.

  5. 17:04 – The back up is really involved! He’s just meant to be the “back up”.
    These Cops are like High School bullies. Laughing and commenting like they are….judge will be real impressed.

  6. Meh prefer vids where they behave like normal citizens. Can turn the TV on and see these ppl fighting and arguing with police at any time

  7. Cop was sneaky and grabbed the SN of the firearm while he was on there. It wasn’t related to that but he took the opportunity to check it.

  8. His current role at the NBIB and arguing over the two stop signs versus the one is irrelevant. Its annoying yet fun when people argue with the intent to disrupt and distract. What's not fun is when they just keep barraging officers with statements so the officer will become frustrated and end the encounter. Kinda like those college kids who question people who come speak at their campus, barrage with statements and don't let anyone else get a word in just to frustrate the other party so they'd stop.

    Officers need to stop entertaining these folks, state the reason for the stop, get the driver's paperwork, issue the warning or citation and move on. Don't give the driver the anger and motivation to go to court. Make it simple and quick to the point so they'll know you're about the business and just let the dash camera and/OR testimony speak for itself.

    Remember, it court, you (the officer) can either let the ticket slide or request the judge/hearing officer stick to the original charge. Hell, the driver might be unlucky and get the full weight of their driving record affect the judge's decision lol.

  9. That dude is a fed and runs his mouth like that, what?

    FYI – NBIB is a part of DCSA, Defense Counter-intelligence and Security Agency – Feds.

  10. This dude just likes the attention when cars pile up he gets even louder and when they all pass he gets quiet his a fucken clown 🤡

  11. I think it amusing how the non people of color say – "oh, he's just pulling the race card" – you have no clue. So glad that cop got suspended!!

  12. So many delusional people in this world. plus media. Can I cryo-freeze and come back to a new life? Or at least the aftermath?

  13. The officer did not deserve the reprimand. The offender was a piece of work and should be investigated for bringing his agency into disrepute.

  14. I applaud the shutting down of the "race" card~ that was the icing on the fuck that guy cake for me xD , .. an investigator would have a bit more chill and some adequate driving skills~

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