A compilation of some of the craziest police pursuits captured on COPS.
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In Hot Pursuit, Wildest COPS Chases, COPS TV Show

2:16 Black n white. See? We can all be friends and everybody can shut it with the "skin colors" and BS.
did that zebra escaped a zoo?
This video was uploaded on my 14th birthday
Anyone know what episode the chase from 4:32 – 5:08 is from?
I know everyone here is watching that zebra rn 😂
0:47 anyone know which houston episode?
I love that American cops ask questions later.
2:00 Marty escape the zoo
Omg the zebra hauahuahuahua
"Okay we're in pursuit, we're in pursuit." SLAM
The cops were not sure whether to use excessive force or not on the zebra. He was black and White at the same time
1:01 hahaaahaha
Ya… run from the cops… that always works you stupid idiots..
Real life gta
Wow the zebra would be good in a movie
0:23–0:25,what season and episode of that clip?
I can’t believe that she decided to crash her car and said please help, even though she knew she was being chase 3:38
5:00 – Geeeeeeez, that pit manuever could have got that bystander. They got lucky.
"Yep, same shit as always"
1:01 lmao
Nice Compilation, Hope People learn a lesson to stop speed and using all the drugs!
vtec kicked in yo
This is cool
Omg!! It’s the zebra from Madagascar!! It’s Marty!!
They were chasing a zebra funny.
Everyone who runs in a vehicle should be executed as soon as they are stopped. No repeat offenders.
yea! #1cops and my daddy too😎😎😲😲
The zebra part was actually quite funny, as was every time the perp's car/bike crashed!
2:00 Whait what?!
Imagine watching this in real life
I love these types of vids
That zebra was on something
Those horns at 4:37 are so obviously overdubbed…
A fucking Zebra?
The British will forever laugh at American Policing.
Yea zebra that's a anmail
3:21 when you fail physics in school
Man this show is addicting
bumper cars up in here
3:24 R.I.P iPhone
Good Video Of the Hot Pursuit Moments!
2:18 fckin jokes!
Can't they understand please help me mean's victim.
3:19 – 3:45.. DDDAAAAMMMNNNN!! Buddy Dead..