Indy Pit Stop, Patrolmen Martin and McKalips, COPS TV SHOW – Everything Law and Order Blog

Patrolman Mike Martin and Patrolman Andrew McKalips assist another officer on a traffic stop that turns pursuit, our car is the second car in the pursuit calling it out. Eventually, officer Johnson, who is in a Pit car, passes us and pits the suspects’ car, causing him to crash and go airborne. Officers get him out and eventually, he needs medical attention. We later find some Marijuana in the car.


17 thoughts on “Indy Pit Stop, Patrolmen Martin and McKalips, COPS TV SHOW”
  1. pit maneuver is interesting to see or hear about. i watch cops tv here and there, i wouldn't ever be a cop due to mental aspects of it and etc but i always have respect for them. watching cops is cool to know about certain procedures or etc but best part is how that guy was like "that was awesome" goes to show that even in law enforcement, everyone should support one another like brothers and sisters.

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