Interrogation of Jeremy Dewitte | Part One – Everything Law and Order Blog

On September 26, 2019 Jeremy Charles Dewitte sat down with officers of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office for a two-hour-long voluntary interview.

After all, who needs an attorney when the police are questioning you about crimes?

Because the interview is nearly 2.5 hours in total length, it will be presented here in two parts. This is part one.


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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


45 thoughts on “Interrogation of Jeremy Dewitte | Part One”
  1. At what point is the IRS going to wade into this shitstorm? It appears that Jeremy is mislabeling his employees as independent contractors. Is he doing that so that he doesn't have to pay federal income tax and medicare? Is it to avoid having to cover his employees with worker's compensation insurance when they get hurt on the job?

  2. Of course he gets them to edit but it's all out here live on, not only, YouTube. Such a dam liar.
    Yes I was in Military but I never said that then 10 seconds later says he was in in the Army.
    There's video where he says where he went to fight.
    Lock him up for life before he kills someone.

  3. Everyone is too damn hard on Jeremy, I want him to succeed and he's working hard sacrificing everything for the next fifteen to twenty years! Good luck Jeremy and don't pick up the soap!

  4. If I was in that precession and that lunatic was speeding past me and weaving in and out so dangerously, I would be on my way to my own grave! 😯He's FREAKIN crazy!

  5. If Jeremy doesn't know traffic laws take away his DL! Why should cops have to give him SpECIAL TRAINING AND TREATMENT! ITS CLEAR HE NEVER LISTENED AND IS FULL OF BS

  6. Let Jeremy tell it, no black person has ever gone to a white persons funeral, and white person to a black persons funeral. The shit that comes out his mouth, I swear 🤣

  7. This guy is such a tool bag. Wearing a ballistics vest and carrying a firearm to do funeral escorts is going just a little overboard guy. Nobody is gonna try to steal the corpse

  8. I cannot believe how much space is between each car in his so-called funeral procession it's just like a normal traffic there's no way to tell it to funeral not one way at all there's no way to tell it's impossible to know that's a funeral no one has their headlights on no one has their flashers on there's 15 car links between each car he's the most horrible funeral procession person ever horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible I don't know shit about funeral processions but I know that that doesn't look like one and if I was running one the cars would be one car length apart from each other because that's what the law says is that there's no rule on how far or close you can be to the car in front of you but obviously wouldn't want to be far from the car in front of you because it's a funeral and you want no one to cut into it so you want all the cars real close together and you want everyone to know it's a funeral idiot

  9. Why do they intertain him by allowing him to talk like a cop with if that makes sense why not set him straight he’s not a cop

  10. J.D. – I have approx 25 employees.
    Ramsey – You have 25 employees?
    J.D. – I dont have employees, I have contractors. LMAO!!

  11. I love when hes like, the guy ran me over and im like sir please get out of the funeral. Kind sir, please exit this funeral. Lol

  12. Does anyone know if there has been any footage released of the incident with the police officer in the procession that they’re referencing in the very beginning of the interview?
    I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

    He promised the officers a copy of the dashcam footage at the incident and then again here. I wonder if he ever sent it (because we all know he’s lying).

  13. I think this dude is just obsessed with being a cop and he is a narcissist so he can't except the fact that he ruined his chances of becoming one a long time ago. So he does whatever he can to look, act, and appear as one so he can boss people around and feel like a badass. When in reality he is just a lame little bitch.

  14. I'm watching the video of him riding and holy shit. How is he still alive ? He's gonna get someone or himself killed. He's weaving in between traffic riding like a hellion. How is still able to operate ?

  15. I wonder if Jeremy (Motor 1)🙄 knows he's a lying POS or does he actually believe all of his bs?

  16. 36:15
    Jeremy: "Everyone was going to shut me down because of who I am."
    Interviewer: "It has nothing to do with who you are. Nobody cares about that."
    HHAHAA. Jeremy is baffled. He thought he was finally famous.

  17. For Dimwitte, he was aggressively approached by an attacker and then pelted by a caustic liquid of some sort as the aggressor loudly admonished him.
    To anyone else- a thunderstorm blew in and it rained for 30 minutes.

  18. He needs to sell merch and trademark his sayings “I need units!”, “We’ve got movers!””, “Let’s get some speed!”, “What the fuck are you doing in my funeral?!”, “Move! Move! Move!”, “I’m out of fucking gas!”

  19. Jeremy calls his "1099's" officers, they are NOT officers of any kind….
    He has said in other videos that he has a sergeant, corporeal, and officer's, Jeremy is called by his guys " commander"
    Delusion at its finest..
    If they don't put him in prison, they should give him a Netflix show…😑

  20. Dewitte answers interrogation questions just like Stephanie Lazarus, pointless ramblings. I bet if we saw his face, he'd have exaggerated facial expressions too. Both were found guilty of their crimes.

  21. Tom cruise just signed on to the bio pic of Jeremy DeWitt. Here is some of the titles they're working with.
    "Funerals and Felonys"
    "Officer DeWitts final ride"
    "85 mph funerals"
    "Wrong lane: or is it?"
    "Jermey DeWitt: Real life Peter pan"
    "Life in the fast lane: The Jeremy DeWitt story"
    "The loudest funeral"
    "Jeremy DeWitt: the life of motor 1"

  22. This Dimwitted clown ! hes such a con Artist notice the words of a liar !..He Slammed on his Brakes "Slammed" and "The Family" "The Family" …. He uses these 2 prases constanly because hes is trying to paint the narrative that he was the hero Protectying thios poor Family from the guy thats Slamming on his brakes… This Clown is next level hell hes the whole Circus at "His" Funeral !


  23. Hey Jeremy so r u a cop to day or a r u in the CiA no wait r u in the FBI or r u in the military you make me 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢

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