Is a real Officer pulling you over? How to weed out the fake police

Is a real Officer pulling you over?  How to weed out the fake police

The viral video of the “fake teen cop” brought to light a serious question of how tell if your being stopped by a real Officer.

The Bernalillo County Sheriffs Department in New Mexico walked us through the basic steps of a simple “routine” traffic stop and how to react if you think your being stopped by a “fake cop”.

We reached out to both the Albuquerque Police Department and Bernalillo Sheriffs Department and they advised us that if you feel the person stopping you is not legitimate then to call their non emergency numbers of 505-242-COPS or 505-798-7000.

If you feel you are in immediate danger then agencies advise to use the EMERGENCY line of 911, but ONLY in extreme cases. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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14 thoughts on “Is a real Officer pulling you over? How to weed out the fake police

  1. STFU you lying pos dirty nazi pig. Everything out of that dirty nazi pigs mouth was a lie. Dirty nazi pigs hate to be questioned and most certainly do not like it when you ask for a supervisor.

  2. Their REAL POINT here is JUST OBEY MASTER. Their are plenty of overbearing, belligerent cops that treat you like a criminal. Record your stops, know your rights and don't answer any unlawful questions.

  3. Just Obey . . . Be very afraid of asking questions. One never knows whether an out of sorts LEO is behind that badge and gun. Be careful out there, citizens! SCOTUS allows cops to lie and manipulate; it's called "Verbal Judo." Remember the First, Fourth and Fifth amendments. Rights are diminished during Terry Stops; Kind'a like "name, rank and serial number." Stay safe out there; citizens, guests and Officers. Know the law. Schools certainly don't teach Rights, loaned Privileges to public servants or nuances of the great Constitution.

  4. This bad information needs to be removed from the public forum before it gets someone killed. This man's propaganda proves how corrupt all police are in America.

  5. Well, not every state is the same. Some jurisdictions don't require their officers to give a reason for the stop or their badge number. Message to the "travelling non-citizens" read your local laws.

  6. So call the non emergency number… but what if the cop over reacts and thinks I’m grabbing a gun?
    The lines get so blurry but I prefer the advice of my uncle, a retired police officer: NEVER TALK TO POLICE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

  7. 1:05 you can call and ask for a supervisor?!! So who do you call, Ghostbusters LOL. And then AGAIN at 1:22 call the non-emergency dispatch number? And exactly where do I find this number right now at this stressful moment. Talk about used dog food!

  8. Now this great officer might not be offended by questions, but unfortunately he doesn't speak for all (or most) officers. Only once did I make the mistake of asking for a supervisor. I was instantly taken out of my car, pat down (for weapons, not searched), placed in cuffs, led to the back of the police car and placed inside. When I asked what was happening and why things escalated I was told I was the one who escalated the situation by asking for his boss. He told me that since I was "trying to make hits day harder, he was going to make my day harder".
    I made the mistake of attempting to explain myself, which just infuriated him more. I was only 18 when this happened. I'm in my 30s now and even though I pray a cop is there when I need one, I no longer consider them anything but flawed individuals trying to do their job
    I just wish they'd pay these guys more. Train them more. But everywhere is different. I already feel stupid for making generalizations, but I can only go by my own experiences.

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