Juveniles in Stolen Car Ram Police Cruisers and Another Car in an Attempt to Escape – Everything Law and Order Blog

* (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
Whitehall, Ohio — On August 15, 2022, shortly after 8:00pm, a Whitehall Police officer observed a 2018 blue Hyundai Elantra northbound on S Hamilton Rd. The vehicle was reported stolen from Grove City and had recently fled from Grove City police officers when they tried to stop it. Knowing the suspects were a flight risk and concerned for the safety of citizens, officers waited until the vehicle parked on the lot of Turkey Hill (721 S Hamilton Rd.). At that time, three (3) Whitehall Police cruisers blocked in the stolen car to prevent it from fleeing. The driver of the stolen car began ramming the police cruisers by driving back and forth, attempting to flee. The stolen vehicle also struck an uninvolved and unoccupied bystander’s car. A Whitehall cruiser was able to successfully pin the stolen car against the other car to stop the suspect from ramming officers. Four (4) juvenile suspects were taken into custody.

The driver of the stolen car was 16 years old and the three passengers were 15, 12, and 13. “Unfortunately this has become all too common in Franklin County and the greater Columbus area,” stated Deputy Chief Dan Kelso, “We struggle to balance the danger the juveniles create for our citizens while driving these stolen cars, with the danger and havoc they create when we try to take them into custody for their crimes. Furthermore, this comes at a time when we as police experience the same supply chain issues as everyone else when we have to fix our cruisers.” When pulled from the stolen car, the driver was smiling and laughing. “It seems these juveniles are not concerned with the ramifications to their actions and they think this is funny,” stated Chief Mike Crispen. This same group of juveniles is suspected of stealing another car earlier the same day. The investigation is ongoing.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

31 thoughts on “Juveniles in Stolen Car Ram Police Cruisers and Another Car in an Attempt to Escape”
  1. Anyone else cringe when the cop walked in front of the vehicle? Was scared he was going to get ran over. Just a few seconds later the vehicle lunged forward again.

  2. 16, 15, 13 and 12.
    And the driver was smiling and laughing.
    Smh. But go ahead and just keep giving them a slap on the wrist. Nothing is ever done to punish them or the parents. We just wait around for them to kill innocent bystanders.

  3. “Juveniles” is a new term I’ve been seeing. Used to be “youths”
    Somehow juveniles makes it sound more like animals. Not a fan

  4. that first cop walking directly in front of the between two cars after the suspect already rammed the police car was the stupidest thing i've seen. he should be written up for that!

  5. Should have mag dumped the whole car. They will be back on the streets soon causing chaos and the eventual collapse of American society.

  6. What scum. The people that made that video should be criminally charged. Obviously I know they can't, but they are the ones that showed everyone how to steal the KIA and Hyundai cars that use keys. Thankfully the push to start cars are immune to this stupidity.

  7. Instead of COVID research, maybe find a good way to sterilise those parents.

    Does not seem like they were successful in disciplining those kids the first time they got caught.

  8. Here you work hard just to have these fools steal what you earned and wreck another car in the parking lot. Working for money is hours being taken out of your life. These thieves are stealing the hours and days of the owners lives.

  9. Columbus. Ohio's NYC or Chicago.

    I blame Ohio State University. Everyone on or in proximity of that campus is BSC (Bat Shhhh Crazy).

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