LAPD Cop Shoots at Man While Tossing a Gun Over The Fence

LAPD Cop Shoots at Man While Tossing a Gun Over The Fence

* (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
Los Angeles, California — On June 24th, 2021 around 10:40 p.m., LAPD 77th Street Gang Enforcement Detail (GED) officers were in the area of 88th Street and Normandie Avenue. They saw a man, later identified as 38-year-old Darryl Grant, standing next to a vehicle parked in the alley south of 88th Street and east of Normandie Avenue. The officers saw what they believed was a handgun in Grant’s sweatshirt pocket. The officers attempted to detain Grant, who removed the handgun from the pocket; at which time there was an officer-involved shooting. Grant was not struck by gunfire and was taken into custody. Grant was booked for 29800(A)(1) P.C., Possession of a Firearm by a Prohibited Person. The handgun Grant had removed from his pocket was recovered and booked as evidence.

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0:00 – Dashcam Footage
0:57 – Bodycam: Officer #1
4:45 – Bodycam: Officer #2

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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40 thoughts on “LAPD Cop Shoots at Man While Tossing a Gun Over The Fence

  1. Hey fatty they aren’t going to check until they know the scene is secure. You should be yelling at your man’s for trying to hide a gun.

  2. There's literally no explicable reason those cops should be missing that many shots from that close range, this is nothing short of a miracle from God giving this guy time to repent still and be saved. Had he died that day it would have been too late. Thank God he lives another day in hopes to find redemption for his sins through Christ and His sacrifice on our behalf. I pray this man may be saved and find life

  3. The cops showed amazing restraint…

    because the second that 'Baby' opened her interfering mouth up she should've been silenced… permanently.
    "STFU IDIOT !!!"
    Your time to give advice or instructions has long passed.

  4. Well here's a good 101 video on how to survive a police shooting. Act stupid, drop to the floor asap and hold still and hope for the best. Make his " baby" sarge cuz she's telling them they need to check him hahaha

  5. 2 cops fire several rounds at close range and miss? This guy was sooooo lucky!!!! These cops are going to kill innocent people with their negligence.

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