LET Presents Blue Line On The Border – Lt. Chris Olivarez with Texas DPS

LET Presents Blue Line On The Border – Lt. Chris Olivarez with Texas DPS

Our goal at Law Enforcement Today is to tell the stories that the mainstream media channels refuse to tell. That includes the truth with what is happening on America’s southern borders. The LET team has worked with numerous state, local and federal agencies to tell the truth that no one else is telling you, as well as community members, business owners and more.

Want to see the border that’s REALLY protecting America right now? The team partnered with TMPA and drove to the Texas and Mexico border to show it to you…and we rode and saw first hand the dangers facing America thanks to all of the men and women who are holding the line in Texas.

We’ve been accused of being a “Russian Operative”, “Artificial Intelligence” and part of the “CIA” – attacked, doxxed and told we are “making it all up” about what’s happening on the border.

You know what? Who cares. It’s NOTHING to compared to the physical, spiritual, mental and verbal attacks those who hold the #thinblueline every single day.

Make sure you subscribe for much more of these groundbreaking stories of the REAL border crisis that’s happening right here in our own backyards.

#bordercrisis #lawenforcement #texasdps #texas #mexico #border #ríogrande #mainstreammedia #truth #americastrong #dontmesswithtexas #operationlonestar

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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