Lying Lying My Weed is Flying, Sgt. Fincher, COPS TV SHOW – Everything Law and Order Blog
Sergeant Andrew Fincher – Atlanta Police Department
Sergeant Andrew Fincher with the Atlanta Police Department spots a suspicious person riding his bike with no lights on, and on the wrong side of the road. Sgt. Fincher makes contact with the rider who appears to be very nervous and isn’t quite sure where he’s headed. Sgt. Fincher asks if he can check the man for weapons, to which our suspect replies “no”. Our suspect is then asked to step in front of the patrol vehicle while Sgt. Fincher checks his record. The bike riding suspect then reaches into his waistband and pulls out a pouch and chucks it into the air is if nobody saw. Sgt. Fincher jumps out of his patrol car pulls out his taser and commands our suspect to the ground. With great shock our suspect has no clue why he’s being arrested, continues to deny that he threw anything into the air. The pouch is recovered in the grass across the street with multiple bags of weed inside. The suspect is confronted about the pouch and after denying that it belongs to him, he finally admits to it being his and also reveals that he has another bag of weed stuffed in his sock. He’s booked on marijuana charges.
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39 thoughts on “Lying Lying My Weed is Flying, Sgt. Fincher, COPS TV SHOW”
  1. Why is he treated like a criminal and taken to jail in the first place over a dubsack of weed? He wouldn't be scared of getting caught with it and this problem wouldn't exist in the first place

  2. I respect good cops, but he probably ended up hassling this guy at least two hours for a couple grams of weed. As Atlanta resident, I can say with almost 100% certainty that there were many more serious crimes occurring in the general area at the same time.

  3. Awesome job officer, however, society needs to evaluate why we would risk charges over a little bit of weed. also feeling comfortable with societies norms when it comes to alcohol. More weed = More peace. Alcohol= Chaos, always.

  4. This cop honestly sounded a lot too cocky/smart ass like, which I can usually tell the demeanor of people well by their voice. But other then that tidbit, I agree with people who say the cop did well.

  5. Write that off as a warning. All that for just maybe an 1/8th. Waste of civil servant pay just goes to show you to think on your own, just cause a system says somethings illegal, doesnt mean it actually is.

  6. He must have smoked some or something because he's in the light…there's a tv camera from the other side and the police in front๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚and the way he threw it๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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