This one is pretty simple: a former police sergeant from Texas files a complaint about an interaction he had with an Orlando police officer earlier in the day.

Nothing crazy here, just a look into a normal officer/citizen interaction.

Two things:

1. Clickbait title resisted: “Former Police Sergeant Files Internal Affairs Complaint”

2. There is some incredible footage coming your way soon. It should be ready to go up in the next two or three days.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


47 thoughts on “Man Files Complaint Against Orlando Police Officer”
  1. Makes officer wait while she is on the phone, before complaining about being told off for being on the phone..

  2. Lit 🔥 AsF Lol 😂 lol Lit 🔥 AsF 🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯

  3. This seems like a legitimate complaint. People are just looking for good customer service, which at times seems like something difficult to find. As the police officer taking the complaint, I would’ve taken their complaint and explain the situation in a caring way as a public servant and explain where she was wrong by stating her comment. Then, would’ve assisted her in her initial problem before all this happened….. treat others like you want to be treated (respect). Easy call.

  4. He needs to contact dispatch and let em know hes gotta go back to the yard and get another cruiser that isnt Low On Oil

  5. Problem with complaining to where the problem come not likely to address those problems. Please file complaint with human rights commission demand sanctions till rectification and compensation is asserted. Commission is in Switzerland. Mail cost is 2.00

  6. "I felt she needed some training" what a see you next tuesday.

    You wait outside with your daughter NO I will not, well, they fought over the door and he lost.

  7. I'd say Lets look at the tapes – most public interactions in government buildings are video recorded ? If so lets go to the replay and punt from there. I have noticed over the years people have become very sensitive to the spoken word and tone of a response. If the complainant misunderstood a word or the clerk is challenged with pronunciation of the English words and or tones. Who knows but a little in-service for the clerk and the complainant need some time out also. She disrespected ME, well she may have done the same to her. It's a toss up. As for the father and Officer again – a misunderstanding ? or was dad going to straighten the officer out? Another toss up. I like to hear and see a tape to get the rest of the story.

  8. Lost this statement and it will go no where… sometimes police officers are pissed off and take things personally and that is when things escalate. Neutrality is where they're supposed to be.

  9. “Get some education on how to talk to people… get more training… go back to your country… don’t tell ME how to talk…” Suuuuuuuure she “didn’t yell, didn’t curse.” People who say shit like that are FAMOUS for being calm and respectful, right? Everyone ELSE is “disrespectful.”

  10. So let's get this straight shall we? Our "complainant" here either tells a lie the first time he gives the chronology of events or the second time – both of his statements cannot be true as they are in direct opposition to one another chronologically. We should also like to hear why misogynist speak like "it was a woman thing" is okay as well as "she was telling her to go back to her country". I find it odd that people who are typically SO sensitive to racism/culturalsim/nationalism dont have a problem espousing those same sentiments about and to others. The young woman is very articulate and clearly states her case – she was a believable witness up to the point that she downplayed her behavior. I think we need to see the body worn cam footage from the officer in the station and the video footage from the station showing what transpires at the door.

  11. Wow! That po po mobile sounds bad. That knock can't be good. Instead of not running the car, and getting it repaired. Instead, Let's let the engine destroy itself, the tax payers will pay for a new car. Needless waste of tax dollars. Fire them! or Make them pay for the new car.

  12. The valves on this car are saying "please just a little oil, bro please just a little oil!!!!!" Just wondering how much longer this poor squad car will last…. sorry guys that's what a mechanic hears lol…. As for the situation that's Orlando for ya!!!! Disrespect to this 72 year old veteran sux any way u slice it but the girl needs to grow up 😂

  13. Its not like OPD has anything better to do than maybe save a life or 2 from thugs, murderers, and rapists..Instead of wasting bullshit time on these self serving sob's…Tryin to make a dolla bill…….Y"all

  14. The police don’t like you walking up behind them. The cop will claim the old guy posed a threat and that will be end of complaint.

  15. Adult daughter has tantrum. Daddy treats her like she's 7 and gets owie. Still throwing tantrum. Details at 11.

  16. I like how she got defensive about not getting help because she was distracted and on the phone.

    Gets nasty and belligerent at the poor cl altercation with p.d. clerk. Calls more police whom I assume are busy with real crime, and then she's distracted and on the phone when the next cop gets there.

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