Man Gets Shot After Firing Gun at Two Deputies Following a Traffic Stop in Fort Collins, Colorado – Everything Law and Order Blog

* (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
Fort Collins, Colorado — On July 12, 2022, at approximately 10:32 p.m., Deputy Jeffrey Kaley with the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office (driving a marked patrol K9 vehicle) observed a silver Ford Escape speeding northbound on Timberline Road at Drake Road at what he estimated to be 90 MPH (in a 40 MPH zone). 23-year-old Bryan Erdbruegger was later identified as the driver and only occupant of the Ford Escape. Deputy Kaley attempted to contact the vehicle as it continued north on Timberline Road and then turned east onto Prospect Road. Deputy Kaley activated his emergency lights and Erdbruegger accelerated. Deputy Kaley aired that he was in pursuit of the vehicle traveling eastbound on Prospect Road at 70 MPH. Shortly after, Erdbruegger pulled over on Prospect Road, east of Specht Point Road. Deputy Kaley initiated a high-risk traffic stop, positioning himself behind his driver’s side door, drew his service weapon, and began issuing verbal commands for Erdbruegger to stay in his car and show his hands.

Deputy Aaron Horwitz (in a marked patrol vehicle) responded to the location to provide cover. Bodycam footage shows that Erdbruegger opened his driver’s side door, produced a handgun, and began to rapidly fire at Deputy Kaley. In response, Deputy Kaley returned fire. Deputy Horwitz, who arrived on scene just as Erdbruegger started shooting, also returned fire in response to Erdbruegger’s shots. Evidence collected at the scene indicates that Erdbruegger was struck by the initial volley from the deputies, but the injuries sustained at this point did not stop his offensive. Erdbruegger reloaded his weapon, fired additional shots, and then advanced towards Deputy Kaley while still holding the gun. Deputy Kaley’s firearm was out of ammunition, and he was unable to reload as Erdbruegger advanced. A physical struggle for Erdbruegger’s firearm, later determined to be a Glock 43x, ensued between Deputy Kaley and Erdbruegger.

Deputy Kaley was able to push Erdbruegger back as Erdbruegger fired a single shot while still near Deputy Kaley. Erdbruegger initially retreated towards his vehicle and then turned back toward the deputies and began to raise his gun towards the deputies. Deputy Horwitz, having just reloaded his weapon, fired repeatedly, striking Erdbruegger and causing him to fall to the ground. Additional cover units arrived, and deputies rendered medical aid. Erdbruegger was transported to the hospital by ambulance. During transport, Erdbruegger spit at LCSO Deputy Cody Armstrong and continued to protest medical treatment. CIRT investigators recovered 17 casings (brass) fired by Erdbruegger and recovered 40 total casings (silver) fired by the deputies. At the hospital it was determined that Erdbruegger was struck four times (stomach, left thigh, neck, top of head) by shots fired by the deputies. Erdbruegger pleaded guilty to attempted murder, for which 8th Judicial District Court Judge Juan Villaseñor sentenced him to 34 years in prison during an August hearing.

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0:00 – Bodycam: Deputy Jeffrey Kaley
1:40 – Bodycam: Deputy Aaron Horwitz
2:12 – Deputies Providing Lifesaving First Aid to the Suspect
5:36 – Patreon Supporters

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


40 thoughts on “Man Gets Shot After Firing Gun at Two Deputies Following a Traffic Stop in Fort Collins, Colorado”
  1. The pitiful “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” and afterwards yelling “ do not resuscitate. DNR. DNR.!!”

    Boi, you never died. Enjoy your time in prison.

  2. Erdbruegger should have been provided the death penalty – too bad the officers didn't take out this subhuman, useless eater on-scene. Bravo to the officers – hope they are back on duty protecting the good humans from the scum of the Earth.

  3. This was freakin insane. Like what? How did the that thug survive? How did he get so close to the sherriff after firing all those shots?

  4. Thankfully his backup showed up when he did! He only got 34 years, and with parole possible??!! This was a dangerous man with nothing to loose. 💙🚔🙏

  5. U can't miss fast enuff to win'a gunfight! And, for him to be able to wade through that fusillade, n roll right up on'em, is downright embarrassing!

  6. Firing 40 rounds and hitting the target only four times is really poor marksmanship. Good thing the perp was an even worse shot.

  7. AK: Armed Karen. He could just comply and avoid endangering everyones' lives and put entire families in years of grieving. Kudos to Officers & Glad they're safe.👍👍👍

  8. When he ran up….. went “IM SORRY IM SORRY” while reloading….. truth is stranger than fiction.

  9. 23 years old and sent to prison till he's 57,….plenty of time to ponder over the reasons of his antics that one day….phuuff.

  10. Suspect: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please! I'm sorry
    Cops: yeah okay you good to go
    …. 🤦🏻‍♀️
    What did he expect?

  11. It's funny how he whines at them and says stop it stop it DNR DNR do not resuscitate, hahaha moron that only has to be followed by doctors… civilians and first responders can save you hahaha and not get sued.

  12. Hanno sparato tutti e due gli agenti colpi da caricatori estesi, hanno ricaricato assieme e il sospetto è riuscito comunque ad aggredire uno degli agenti? Per di più dopo ricaricato gli hanno ancora sparato ed egli è ancora vivo. Dove sono finiti i colpi?

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