Michael Bennett of the Seattle Seahawks addressed the world in a letter accusing the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police department of singling him out for nothing other than the color of his skin.

I don’t claim to know what Michael Bennett’s motivation is or why he holds to a worldview that he does, but I do know that facts have no regard for our feelings. What do the FACTS about this situation indicate? Blatant racism or officers handling a situation in a completely standard fashion?

**BEFORE YOU COMMENT: Make sure you watch the video. Yes, I’m aware that it could be a gun in the officers hand. I would almost expect it. But it could also be a taser. I just don’t know yet and haven’t seen a clear enough view. But again, that’s not the point**

Yeah, I’m looking down at my computer a lot at notes I made. Ya can’t see my laptop in the shot–sorry if it’s a distraction 🙂
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INTRO MUSIC: “Wolfhunter” by Forensic.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


46 thoughts on “Michael Bennett Vs. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police”
  1. I’m glad you mentioned the environment and conditioning. As a black man we were taught how to act and react towards the police….

  2. Why? Just get over it man, You looked like a suspect and you didnt even get arrested😣 What are you complaining about Mr Bennett? You arr using your prestige as a platform to influence young men, who have nothing campared to you, and telling them cops and whitey are keeping you down. While you go back to your Mansion. But poor kids watch what he says, and if a pro football player is a victim of racism, then obviously I am too. Its the ME TOO movement BLM all in one. "Look at how oppressed i am, look it affects me too" bullshit.

  3. I would be hiding an running to. Yes they picked him out. Thats another reason i hate cops an think they all need to dissapear. I watched a cop beat up somebody just for walking across a street jaywalking to his friends apartment instead of getting in his car an driving home drunk from a bar. Cops are crooked. Or how about someone drops a wad of money in a casino an this same cop off duty with wife picks it up looks around an both he an wife turn an quickly leave instead of turning into lost an found. Both instances on camera full from start to finish. Nothing hapoened to cop. Screw your thin blue line its not thin wen it comes to your "brotherhood".

  4. Were you the only black person? No! sorry bro you cannot use the race card. Running from the police? You think you're back in the "hood"?

  5. Were you the only black person? No! sorry bro you cannot use the race card. Running from the police? You think you're back in the "hood"?

  6. Mike sitting during the national anthem is, not any way disrespectful to our country, it is a constitutionally protected right, and in large part what the civil rights era was all about and who told you Tamir Rice was not about race do you really think if he was white the cops would have shot him in just a few seconds?

  7. was gonna say something because overall I think police are overly aggressive but I picked up to many bodies in my service time to every lend support to anthem protesters, Im glad they live in the land of the free where they have rights to free speech, but it has a cost.

  8. Perhaps Michael was looking for some attention to promote social injustice towards blacks. Pretty coincidental that he is from the Seahawks. Especially since he and Kaepernick are friends. The following is a statement made by Bennett in an interview in June 2017 on NFL CBS.
    ""Of course I think Kaepernick's being blackballed," Bennett said. 

    Bennett also added that Kaepernick's decision to kneel for the national anthem as a form of protest against police brutality rubbed some people the "wrong way."

  9. I am not American but, didn't many many thousand's of Americans die, in part, to end slavery.
    The British, back then spent huge sums of money on their navy policing the world to end slavery.

  10. "ALL, I say ALL the high profile cases that the activists and whiners throw up have clear elements of justification.
    Trayvon Martin was bashing the guys head into the ground and could have maybe killed him.
    The hands up don't shoot thing has caused so much harm and was a complete lie.
    Where are the clear cut cases of being shot for being black. There aren't any.

  11. It's all such bullshit.
    And there people actively studying and maneuvering public sentiment in these disharmonious outcomes for their own political agendas.

  12. Running away from and ignoring officers orders are what got him detained. People like him that cry wolf are really hurting the fight against true racism. They are working to create this hate filled divide between people that doesn't have to exist. The ones getting hurt the most are those being mislead by the race baiting.

  13. Mike we both know that they use their color when they need to to push a particular narrative and that’s another thing that divides this country.

  14. So as a cop do you go in with guns out based on what cops and prosecutors consider unreliable bystander witnesses or decide to pull your guns out after you have assessed the situation? Serious question. Does it depend on your relationship/confidence in the dispatchers feeling on the situation?

  15. If I were in a similar situation, I would run towards the police. I would feel much better being surrounded by a bunch of people with bullet proof vests. I don't understand racism. Maybe it's because I'm Canadian. I just don't get it. White, black, yellow, green, it's all the same. There are smart people of every race and there are some stupid people of every race too.
    I guess Mr. Bennett felt victimized. He didn't understand that cops are the good guys and ran away from the cops which caused the odd behavior to be observed by the cops.
    I think a proud man would not admit that he might have been wrong running from the cops and simply called it racism. What would have been his excuse had him been white with blue eyes and straight brown hair?

  16. There should be this thing where civilians do a mock response to an active shooter with like paintball guns. I'd love to see that lol.

  17. There's too much common sense in this video for a lot of people to comprehend. Some people's brains just aren't wired that way. There are a lot of stupid people in this world and that's really unfortunate but that's just how it is.

  18. Tamir rice Tamir rice was a child playing with a toy in a park where he supposed to do that at cops drove up to him and shot him for no reason

  19. Eric Garner was killed over a cigarette not resisting arrest not anything else he was selling something that belong to him and the cops harass him and killed him for it bottom line if that's the kind of policing you guys want to do then fine we can start policing the police ourselves like the Black Panthers did in the 1960s

  20. Went out here fax the bottom line is they singled out one man for running when there is hundreds of people running seems suspicious to me

  21. There was a lot of people running funny how they just picked the wrong guy again they're really good at that

  22. show the only skin color cops are blue if you don't wear the blue uniform you're a piece of s*** and you are a suspect and they will kill you

  23. Ya gotta get hands on, dont need too jump str8 too Deadly Force. Its your "Violence Of Action" Command presence! Verbal MMA, get that 10~16 Hog tied & toss him in the trunk..I will sit in the Sally Port till EOS if a have too. Sometimes ya just get a real shitbag, but still have too maintain your bareing with total professionalism ! ok gotta go (10~8) GO SDSO #60 Station! Mike watch your six out there..

  24. Who ever kneels or sits at this nations national anthem…GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!! YOU DISSRESPECTFUL PIECES OF SHIT! YOU ARE PISSING ON OUR SERVICEMEN WHO HAVE FOUGHT,BLED AND DIED SO YOU CAN HAVE YOUR STUPID HISSY FIT! anyone in a uniform i salute you doesn't matter what you are or uniform blue,green white or yellow, you have my respect.

  25. It took me a while and thanks to this vid I finally worked out what's so odd about you…..
    You are on the internet and not full of Sh#!, you are well reasoned and thoughtful. Thankyou. Hashtag morepeoplelikeyou 😉

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