Mike The Cop’s Prophecy Comes True

Mike The Cop’s Prophecy Comes True

#cops #minneapolis #shorts

It’s almost like we saw this coming.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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25 thoughts on “Mike The Cop’s Prophecy Comes True

  1. Sheesh who didn't see this coming? My goodness you have to have an IQ lower than 80 to not have seen it. No offense Mike lol

  2. Your countries politicians are as stupid and sad as ours. We had a police officer on trial for two years because he shot a guy twice.. Mind you, The guy had already stabbed one Police Officer, And they were struggling with him when the officer shot him… Politicians wanted him to go to prison for murder. The community said they didnt want police in their community.. You couldnt pay me enough to be a cop…

  3. I live in MN. I got my law enforcement degree the spring Shit hit the fan. My wife freaked out and basically said, not ever out right, we have three kids, young kids, don’t do it now. Now that things have settled, I still don’t want to be an officer around the twin cities, due to what I saw and how they treated their officers.

  4. This is one of those instances where I have so much to say that I'm speechless. Of course, everything I would say would be obvious to everyone, except the "Defund the Police" crowd.

  5. Except they're the ones laughing at us. I don't live in a gated community. Shit my sheriff denied me a CCW even though I have a perfect record. Not even a speeding ticket.

  6. A junkie overdoses on fentanyl and a city burns. Maybe they'll hire all those fine people who burned the city and get a big spoonful of dereliction of duty.

  7. Year old tweet, come on mike, lay off the sauce and keep up with current events. They spent that money had a community outreach plan put in place and got three cops. All are the nations first no binary officials who are not called officers and don’t carry guns were highered and hit the street last month. They are doing a phenomenal job. Crime rate is now zero, after they stopped identifying robbery and murder as criminal acts.

  8. Just like here in LA the same areas that were all about "defund the police" are now plagued with robberies, assaults and home invasions. Now they're asking police to step up their presence and raise their budget lmao idiots.

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