Officer Brandon Bowling – Springfield Police Department, MO
Officer Brandon Bowling is dispatched to a disturbance involving a knife. He arrives to find two brothers who have just had a fight in front of their Mother. One brother has a parole ankle tracker and has just defended himself with the knife. His younger brother began the fight over a dispute about the distribution of winnings from Mother’s lotto scratcher.
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Mother’s Scratcher, Officer Brandon Bowling, COPS TV SHOW

I was the little girl on the bike in the beginning the dude getting arrested is my father not too proud of that lmfao
Put the trash down the garbage disposal and save us all.
Lmao, I watched two brothers go at it over a plain gray Hanes T-shirt one day. It lead to a tire iron and knife being brought out. Then the younger brother got his gun and started shooting at the younger one as he was running down the block to get away from him. Bet the realtor down the street didn't sell the house she was showing that day
B 4 dey go 2 jail, dey need 2 go 2 da dentist

103k views in 7 years… yikes
[Cue 'Dueling Banjos']
I feel bad for the old lady
Shit my best fights were with my brother…. But we were kids under 17. and we had some great fights I would win then he would win…it would go back and forth….
Wow Missouri is kind of trashy
What language are they speaking
This is total parenting failure. Sure the kids are idiots by nature, but in the long run, she was never meant to be a mother in the first place.
The Brothers' Mother who saw it happened, passed away later on. Both of the men were let off with a warning.
Days of our lives
Two brothers began to fight over their mother's lotto ticket winnings I think both of them needed to learn how to handle this situation in any other way
Trump supporters
I think a saw that kid from "Deliverance," playing the banjo around the corner……yep, I can hear him!!!
0:44 Sir, can you repeat that? This time can you stop trying to balance an ice cube on your tongue when you talk?
whats that big building in the background o.O
when i fought all we did was rock paper scissors and when i got mad he just said he would like make what ever he was doing shorter
Wow they ls Crazy lol!
looks like coppercabs mom
My god, and I thought I had to arrest and deal with shit in canada ….