Necessary Needles, Officer Hidlebaugh, COPS TV SHOW – Everything Law and Order Blog
Officer Hidlebaugh stops three individuals because the driver has a warrant. They turn out to be regulars in the area who buy heroin. After getting their information, Officer Hidlebaugh decides to get them all out of the vehicle. During this time, the woman driver starts stuffing needles and spoons under the seats and in her “body parts.” She, along with the other two males, are taken out and the car is searched. officers find a lot of paraphernalia but no actual heroin. After conversations about addiction, the baby, etc, the woman and her boyfriend (child’s father) are taken to jail. The woman tries to take the fall for everything and her boyfriend is eager to let her.
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15 thoughts on “Necessary Needles, Officer Hidlebaugh, COPS TV SHOW”
  1. "Suboxone doesn't necessarily take the urge away from doing heroin, the physical addiction of it, it just kinda takes the edge off." LOL WRONG. God I hate cops who know little to nothing but speak with authority with zero knowledge. Suboxone is the gold standard of opioid treatment and recovery precisely BECAUSE it entirely reduces the urge to do heroin or other opioids, alleviating withdrawal symptoms, and minimizes cravings because it's a mu-opioid receptor agonist that clings onto the receptors and rejects any other opioids. That poor lady who figured out she was pregnant too far along is a sad case of society, cops, and lack of resources to help people with addiction, which affects all walks of life throughout society, and sweeping them into jails because they're poor.

  2. All she needed to do was go to a Suboxone clinic, they have them everywhere, and that doctor would prescribe her Subutex, the white version of Suboxone, I'm on Suboxone but if any female gets pregnant n they choose to keep n raise their baby then the doctor gives them Subutex, pregnant females or anyone with hepatitisC or HIV, they can't take the Suboxone due to the Naloxone in them that can either make them very I'll or in her case it can cause miscarriage and or birth defects. So I really wish more female addicts would go to a Suboxone clinic the sec they find out their pregnant. It's so incredibly preventable and works so well for anyone I've known to be pregnant. However when they have the baby, the doctor will switch them over to Suboxone. I've known like 4 girls I went to school with who got pregnant and did nothing to help with their issue during their pregnancy. Nobody should ever even have unprotected sex esp if they know they're addicted n could wind up pregnant. It's one thing to be an addict addiction doesn't discriminate, however no matter how hooked you are, you should not even be allowed to get pregnant. I know it sounds extreme but I believe the courts should be able to prevent addicts from getting pregnant until they demonstrate that they are 100% willing to seek help. Just imagine if that were a law n could be put into action, so so many children that would be thrown into an addicts environment go onto then repeat the cycle could be prevented n less kids would fall into foster system ya know🤔😡🤷🏻‍♀️🙏

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