Yes you read that title correctly, a LAPD Police TESLA! I got to finally meet up with my friend Ofc Rob from YouTube and showcase LAPD’s Tesla model S. LAPD is in the process of going to an all green fleet and we got to run down their first prospect in an all green fleet.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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40 thoughts on “POLICE CARS : LAPD TESLA w/Ofc Rob

  1. 7:55
    I like all those videos
    But, literally, for episode 9, I guess it should be named as police cars (vehicles) 9 would be better
    But anyway, I like your videos.
    God bless and keep safe 😄🙏🏻

  2. Junk in the frunk shown first. Then the junk in the trunk. Speakin’ of junk in the trunk, I ain’t got junk in the trunk where I’m at. I got treasures from metal detecting, as in a .223 Remington, a .30-06 Springfield, and a possible .45 ACP.

  3. The hypocrisy of the "protect and serve" propaganda when SCOTUS wrote " No duty to protect" at Warren v DC and Castle Rock v Gonzalez. Cool car looking vandalized with that paint scheme and crap attached to it too.

  4. Love the money the government steals from me used against me. Dont yall? Probably boot lickers here though that would lick the boot while the police arrest you for having a family dinner in your own home. Love the tyranny dont yall? Wear your mask. Comply, bend over and take it or go to prison

  5. Something I earned about from watching another video from a police department on the east coast, I think it was Westport CT. Chief in the video discussed the frunk. The department was planning to use it to store things that other non-officer personnel might need access to. For example, medical equipment. Officer can pop the frunk to give access to that equipment while the rest of the car, especially the trunk, remains secure.

  6. I just watched another Tesla police car video, and honestly after having watched that, id say the model 3 is probably a more capable police car… Since its smaller, cheaper and got a bigger center screen the police computer, license plater reader, light control system ETC can be integrated in (which various companies are working on btw, theyre even working on adding license plate reader software to the cars existing cameras), model Y might be even more capable.

  7. I just realized that the Tesla cars have like a shit ton of anti-hijacking technology just built into the car, not even like purposely installed just part of there style.

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