Police Divers Locate Plane Wreckage 176 Feet Underwater – Everything Law and Order Blog

On May 27, 2018, about 1705 Pacific daylight time, a Cessna 150M airplane, N6AF, impacted water near Bainbridge Island, Washington. The pilot went down with the plane and was presumed fatally injured, and his passenger – picked up by a nearby boat – sustained serious injuries. The airplane was registered to and operated by the pilot as a personal flight. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed for the local flight and no flight plan had been filed. The flight departed from Harvey Field Airport in, Snohomish, Washington.

A witness located at Yeomalt Point, was on the shore looking out toward the water when she observed a low-flying airplane above the water. The airplane came into view from her right and was descending in a nose low attitude. She initially thought it was going to skim the water and perform a loop, but the airplane continued the descent until it impacted the water. The airplane flipped over during the accident sequence and quickly sank. In the immediate aftermath of the accident that Coast Guard led an intensive but ultimately unsuccessful search for the plane wreckage.

On June 14, 2018, the wreckage was finally located at a depth of 176 feet below the water’s surface. The pilot was nowhere to be found.

Hold your breath.

HT: Shout out to the Bainbridge Island Police Department for sharing this exclusive footage.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


27 thoughts on “Police Divers Locate Plane Wreckage 176 Feet Underwater”
  1. I live we’re this plane went down and watched it hit the water from my house and upon impact you could see it rip apart, and it immediately started to sink 1500 ft off of the Eagle harbor coast line. The plane was only found after about a week of searching for it in puget Sound by the U.S. coast guard, Bainbridge Island PD & FD, Seattle PD & FD, along with other fire and police agencies. The pilot was the only person aboard and sadly they never located him.

  2. Between it looking like gentle falling snow and his slow deep breathing…I almost fell asleep watching this at 2am. 😌

  3. I doubt the pilot got out after it sank. He probably dumped out before the plane flipped. He would have to be a strong swimmer especially since he was probably carrying whatever he had in the plane before crashing. Without a body, a person cannot be declared dead until a certain number of years elapse. If he was doing this as an insurance scam then his widow would have to wait the number of years that state's laws say before she can get a death certificate.

  4. Why would local police have jurisdiction over a plane that went into the water? If the Coast guard did not find it, why would the police have to take over? Unless they suspected drugs being smuggled in from another state or Canada. However there are few illegal drugs coming over the Canadian border than the border with Mexico. Someone smelled a rat and this was more than an airplane crash. Coast guard always has jurisdiction over oceanic waters. This is unusual.

  5. Shout out to the Bainbridge Island Police Dept, and huge shout out to the divers. I hope the pilot is found, eventually. Good job! Thanks for sharing.

  6. I would never, ever, ever have the courage to do that.  I kept waiting for a huge white shark to appear, or electric eels or giant octopus.  This made me a nervous wreck. lol  Amazing footage though, thanks guys 🙂

  7. Bless all these divers. This is one thing I guess I could never do, I'm so terrified of oxygen malfunction or loss. I take my hat off to these guys!! RIP to the lost souls of this crash ♥

  8. Anyone else hold their breath while watching underwater videos? Anyone? No? Just me? Okay 😆

  9. Underwater rescues make my anxiety go up. Between the sounds, wreckage, the unknown and darkness, but I can't stop watching. I guess my self control needs work.

  10. Cool video! I wanted to be on my former PD's dive team but couldn't medically qualify.

    Fun fact: if you are wondering why they sound like they have been breathing helium it's because they have been (mixed with oxygen and nitrogen). Oxygen becomes toxic as depth increases.

  11. Trying to talk underwater lol sounds like Charlie Brown's mom. " we can have all the Corn chex?, they're not coming over" ….. mer mer mer mer mer mer

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