Police Surprise Woman Shoplifting After She Steals $1000 Worth of Clothing – Everything Law and Order Blog

On July 12th, 2024, in Ohio, police were called in reference to a woman actively shoplifting in a sporting goods store


50 thoughts on “Police Surprise Woman Shoplifting After She Steals $1000 Worth of Clothing”
  1. Ghetto Mantra: (1) always deny all charges; (2) flee from police; (3) resist arrest; (4) claim you were going to pay for "my sh*t" even though you hid everything in your back pack; (5) continue to resist; (6) pretend you can talk your way out of it; (7) continue to deny deny deny; (8) claim you were going to pay for everything.

  2. "No sir, I've never been in trouble wif da po'leese befoe"
    "Sorry ma'am, there's a traffic warrant out on you"
    "No sir, they told me I have til' Friday for that".
    "Sir my parole officer told me I was clean"
    "Sorry ma'am, but you have a warrant for bank robbery"
    "No sir, I already served time for that"
    "Sir, I'm fallin' on hard times, can't you help me out?"
    "We'll talk about it at the jail"
    "Why I got to go to jail?"
    "Because you resisted"
    "How did I resist? You caught me, I couldn't get away".

    You can't even make this sh up.

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